Example sentences of "[vb base] that [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suggest that we pay a visit to the hospital this morning — although I 'm not sure whether we 'll be allowed to see Liz and Owen .
2 I suggest that you take a day or two to think of it , but remember that my cousin may find other employment in the meantime . ’
3 And I suggest that you made a number of such threats which constituted a sustained campaign of intimidation .
4 And while we 're at the police station I suggest that you have a word with someone there about the fact that you seem to be attracting some unwelcome attention .
5 However , once again I strongly suggest that you grow a collection of wild flowers in your own garden rather than pick them from the countryside and assist in depleting the stocks !
6 Experiments suggest that it has a fluid consistency and that there is movement of the liquid molecules within the membrane .
7 Legal advisers suggest that anyone wishing a piece of jewellery or other valuable to go to a particular person , should list such unofficial bequests on a piece of paper and keep it with the official will .
8 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
9 Many who hold the minority view accept that they must recognize the mind of the Church , just as the majority realise that they have a duty to respect the consciences of those who disagree .
10 I 've spent the night thinking about everything that happened , and I now realise that I made a mistake about you being involved with Harry Martin . ’
11 Most teachers would agree with this statement and , indeed , say that they use a variety of approaches and methods in their work , suiting them to the needs of the individual learner and the stage that pupil has reached .
12 Many governments round the world say that they spend a lot of money on military equipment because they need to defend themselves against other countries that might try to take over their territory .
13 You say that she has a mineral lick — have you tried a plain salt lick ?
14 In the sense that er you say that you had a camera club
15 If , when you do , the neighbours think you are being anti-social explain or say that you have a passion for climbing roses or clematis , or make some other excuse if you wish to be polite .
16 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
17 It is in my body qua sensitive that sensations occur ; and the occurrence of a sensation in some part of my body qua sensitive is all that I mean when I say that I feel a sensation in some part of my body .
18 I think I would go along with Lesley and say that there comes a point where erm government initiatives need to be taken .
19 Most acknowledge that it has a power of its own , which powerfully affects gender relations , and needs to be understood .
20 I called for a re-vote and therefore I insist that we have a re-vote .
21 Before you can sign the translation contract , the publishers insist that you provide a sample translation of a couple of pages to allow them to assess your competence as a translator of this type of literature .
22 Regulations provide that if local planning authorities are minded to approve a proposal , but judge that it involves a material departure from the provisions of the development plan , they are required to refer the matter to the Secretary of State for him to decide whether he thinks it fit to call in the matter for his own decision .
23 Although both he and his advisers stress that he has a killer instinct ( 'I change when I 'm in the ring' ) , Lewis is articulate , intelligent , and good company .
24 We say we are thirsty when we mean that we fancy a glass of wine , a pint of beer , a gin and tonic or a shot of whisky — the pleasure of naming our poison — at the end of a busy day or tiresome week .
25 By ‘ male-oriented ’ I mean that it exhibits a focus on , or a direction towards , the interests and activities of men in a gender-differentiated society .
26 The records show that he presented a clock of his own making to the hospital circa 1760 , which was in continuous use until the night of 10–11 January 1978 , when it was stolen .
27 I hope that they reach a decision sooner than later , a decision to allow the most needy members of our society to join us .
28 I hope that it represents a step towards the release of other detainees held in Malawi for political reasons . ’
29 Fingerprint actually request that you supply a copy of your System , screen fonts and Aldus Prep to try to reduce the difficulties .
30 To appreciate this , imagine that you ask a friend to mark thirty numbered points randomly on graph paper ( unseen by you ) and that you are required to discover their positions , with no information other than the distances between any pairs you request .
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