Example sentences of "[vb base] to be [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 But such stated satisfactions and dissatisfactions appear to be segregated from the housewife 's general attitude to housework and the housewife role .
2 All members of a particular society appear to be produced from the same mould .
3 Few auditions seem to be chosen from the works of Samuel Beckett — Waiting for Godot and Endgame are the only two which seem to offer possibilities .
4 The only people who seem to be excused from the privatization is the senior management executives .
5 The medical profession have long since ceased to be shocked or surprised at the wide variety of objects which continue to be extracted from the vagina .
6 Books published by Elsevier Applied Science Division continue to be processed from the Book Orders Department in Barking .
7 Nowadays , if staying overnight far away from any of the royal residences , she tends to use the royal train , but lord lieutenants continue to be drawn from the same big houses .
8 Threatened people do not perform well — their energies tend to be diverted from the primary task .
9 It follows , sir , in our submission , that neither of these sites performs a greenbelt function and therefore fall to be excluded from the greenbelt .
10 The fact remains that , quite apart from being outside the capabilities of smaller companies , losses still have to be funded from the organisation 's own resources .
11 Other terminal word branches off this node are checked to see if they have remaining MRPA symbols which have to be distinguished from the current input by creating new non-terminals .
12 There is no source of official information on settlements , since court formalities are rare , and thus deductions have to be made from the information available in the judicial statistics , supported by the available research .
13 ‘ In almost all cases the costs of fire damage have to be met from the authority 's own contingency funds . ’
14 But , occasions do arise when positions have to be determined from the intersection of position lines .
15 In the evening and on Saturday mornings , when most publications are not delivered to the Reading Room but have to be collected from the Issue Hall , all publications were examined by the Library 's Research Officer at the Issue Counter .
16 The family living room is filled with bulkly materials which create dust and refuse , and often it stores dangerous glues and solvents and sharp instruments hwich have to be guarded from the children .
17 Five of the eight required courses have to be chosen from the Faculty of Arts , but courses from Social Sciences , Science and Engineering , Divinity , Law and Music may also be taken .
18 They may lose both because of missed interest payments and because of the legal fees that have to be paid from the firm 's shrunken assets .
19 Thus , occurrences in [ I ] have to be excluded from the main quantification , and the ( get ) subset , provided that we can accurately specify its membership , can in principle be quantified separately as a set of lexical alternants of the ( pull ) type ( 2b ) .
20 At present BIRON consists of descriptive information about studies held , not the datasets themselves , which have to be ordered from the Archive in a separate process .
21 Neither is to be found in alluvial sands or gravels and both have to be mined from the parent rock .
22 More cases of abuse are coming to light , and children have to be protected ; some children have to be rescued from the living hell they have to endure .
23 Eggs need to be collected from the woman 's ovary .
24 The solution for an elastic cylinder in place strain is need to be found from the boundary conditions , Now if is the circumferential tension in the thin band it is equal to b times the interfacial pressure .
25 The object of this book being to consider those problems essentially of a legal nature which will commonly occur in all partnerships , this chapter is concerned with fundamental decisions which need to be taken from the outset of the firm 's existence ; Chapter 5 with day to day problems of management .
26 Later , he complained : ‘ The whole row is based on a false assumption : that as readers we need to be protected from the disappointing facts about the lives of writers , if we are to continue to admire their work .
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