Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun sg] of [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Other types of switch involve a change of code from Creole to London English and back to Creole within a single turn .
2 Different combinations of the packs provide a range of heights from 12ft ( 3.6m ) to 24ft ( 7.2m ) .
3 These provide a succession of blooms from mid-June — with feverfew ( Chrysanthemum parthenium ) , goat 's rue ( Galega officinalis ) and lupin ( Lupinus nootkatensis ) — through the summer with tansy ( Tan- acetum vulgare ) and soapwort ( Saponaria officinatis ) , until mid-October when the Michaelmas daisies ( Aster novi-belgii ) finally die down after their two-month flowering period .
4 Say a knuckle of silver from each of you ; no more than you would balance on a fingertip .
5 We gaze across the breakfast things like an old married couple , and I remove a smear of marmalade from the tablecloth .
6 I REMEMBER once seeing a small girl remove a tin of soup from halfway down a display stack in a supermarket .
7 When we read we scan a line of print from left to right .
8 All the reservoirs receive a degree of disturbance from recreational activities primarily fishing , but on some more active forms of recreation take place .
9 When you grow up , the appreciation of the rose does have more appeal , especially if you enjoy the cultivation of a garden , or receive a bunch of roses from the person you love most .
10 Elsewhere , particularly in the Midlands , there is widespread evidence for the overploughing of portions of deserted settlement sites , such as at Onley in Northamptonshire , where clear traces of ridge and furrow show a change of use from village to arable land .
11 It seems churlish to point out that most such carrots cause a diversion of savings from taxed to untaxed channels , not an increase in the absolute amount .
12 You can visit colourful Chinese and Indian temples and cool mosques , or watch a game of cricket from the shade of a palm tree .
13 In applications of this kind the authors argue that geographic information management in general and GIS in particular have an important role to play and they give a number of examples from research in progress to illustrate the current state of the art in this field .
14 I add a cupful of water from the incubation tank to the jar daily , to gradually adjust the water chemistry to match that of the tank and eventually to dilute the fry 's waste .
15 This was important as we recruit a number of players from there . ’
16 I 'll creep down later and borrow a couple of items from Auntie 's handbag and then I 'll be set .
17 By future I mean a couple of seasons from now , the current season although not a write off by any means has lost a lot of meaning the league appears once again to be going to the scum and we 're out of the League cup thingy .
18 Oh yes yes er I should say that er Street er Street then you get into Palfrey now you see Palfrey was a little bit less due to the fact that there were a hell of a lot of railway men at work down there , I mean really all belonging to some department on the railway , you get er drivers and all the men and the permanent way of being in Street I mean a lot of people from Palfrey lived down lived in Palfrey was working in the permanent way in Street , so it was a really , Palfrey you could say was a railway community .
19 ‘ A lot of people inside and outside the country make a lot of money from caricaturing and criticising the Royal Family .
20 ‘ I know a lot of people from non-League who are going , and there are a few buses taking friends and relations , ’ he said .
21 I draw a can of water from the outside up , and make my way towards Lucky 's tethering place .
22 If we wanted a national sample of school-children , we could draw a sample of education authorities , then draw a sample of schools from each of those , then a sample of children from each school .
23 and then we , enable us to go on these and get a bit of information from the .
24 Give a brief desista , description of where you get a pint of petrol from .
25 It 's the only one I get a sense of evil from when holding it
26 ‘ We get a lot of donations from relatives and friends of people we have nursed here and we have kept a record of them over the last few years , ’ said Mrs Deidre Shaw , administrator for the appeal .
27 I get a lot of enjoyment from doing it , this is the biggest we 've been involved in and we 're all having a good time .
28 ‘ I get a lot of laughs from everyone who sees me , especially when I 'm going across long grass and all they can see is an airline captain coming towards them at great speed with exhaust smoke coming from my rear end .
29 I said I get a lot of enquiries from frustrated knitters on this point and I can well understand their frustration .
30 ‘ They are entertaining and patient creatures and I get a lot of pleasure from them .
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