Example sentences of "[vb base] a [noun] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The above observations involve a variety of routes to chaos .
2 There are also many organisations who provide a variety of services to people with HIV/AIDS .
3 The Hong Kong authorities also provide a pamphlet in Vietnamese to all migrants explaining the screening procedures in detail .
4 No worries — just send a cheque/PO for £1.99 to : Make cheques payable to Alternative Software .
5 For information on practitioners of Chinese medicine ( who are also acupuncturists ) , send a cheque for £2 to Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 19 Trinity Road , London N2 8JJ ( 081–883 8431 ) .
6 If you propose a change of plan to most men they take it — even if not consciously , and that 's often worse — as some sort of insult or criticism .
7 The Directors propose a number of changes to the two existing schemes , the British Gas Employee Profit Sharing Scheme and the British Gas Sharesave Scheme .
8 So er I reckon she just want a skive from work to be honest !
9 For next time , attach a piece of wire to the retaining plug and nail it to the sides of the inspection chamber ( with a wire staple ) near to the top so that you can simply pull it out .
10 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
11 If Edgar speaks the last words , they appear a sort of reproof to Albany while Edgar assumes authority over the hopes of the future .
12 Like most organisations the Salvation Army receive a number of tickets to the Royal Garden Party each year .
13 Rivers and lakes are often coloured green by algae or brown by decaying plants , and many freshwater fish show a peak of sensitivity to red light .
14 Polls show a surge in support to 12 per cent for the left-wing Workers ' Party ( PT ) , whose candidate , Luis Inacio ‘ Lula ’ da Silva , could supplant the main social democratic contender , Leonel Brizola , and emerge as Mr Collor 's rival in the run-off .
15 Two of these states can be identified with sleep states which show a continuity of development to maturity in the form of REM sleep and deep slow wave sleep .
16 Courses at the LSHTM now cost a minimum of £6400 to £9000 .
17 Gouled Aptidon announced on Nov. 27 that he was prepared hold a referendum in order to " consult " the population on " changes to be made in the political domain " .
18 For example , does it judge , explain , assess , describe or interpret a point in relation to the topic ?
19 I set the punchcard on lock and proceed as usual , select a group of needles to be used as the motif and push all others back to WP ( needles must be pushed back on every row ) .
20 ‘ We owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who is actively involved in promoting village life . ’
21 ‘ There is an area in which we owe a debt of gratitude to the National Campaign for the Nuclear Industry .
22 Mr Mayor I think we , we owe a debt of gratitude to councillor this evening because the sort of motions he 's been putting forward has effectively united the progressive forces .
23 ‘ I really owe a lot of thanks to the gypsies for helping me in my start . ’
24 Solicitors owe a duty of confidentiality to their clients .
25 The auditors owe a duty of care to the shore share holders collectively , not to individual share holders or what are called stake holders , employees for example , er nor do auditors have a general duty so far as the public interest is concerned .
26 Then in paragraph three forty he goes on to s to point out that the law er er which was then recently established was that auditors due owe a duty of care to their client company and the whole body of share holders but not to individual share holders and not to non share holding depositors .
27 In the same way , an economy 's laws record a history of solutions to problems of monopoly and theft and then of solutions to the loopholes and opportunities those first laws opened .
28 The fiction is that those state agencies are able to and do exert democratic influences ; or at least , they impose a measure of accountability to the public .
29 But pupils beginning GCSE courses in September face a cut in coursework to a maximum of 40 per cent , and they will have to study Shakespeare and classics such as the Authorised Version of the Bible , Wordsworth 's poems and the novels of Jane Austen , the Brontes or Dickens .
30 Tie a length of cord to each of the lowest rings , placing the shortest length nearest the operational side .
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