Example sentences of "[vb base] if [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most horses can be highly motivated to do what we want if we reward them with some favourite food .
2 And it depends on what they want if they want it to three decimal places with this
3 Well , my stars say if you find yourself at a low ebb this weekend do n't worry .
4 Patrick climbed out first and them helped Jane down ; Collins was the last man out , and Patrick heard him murmur to the driver , " Around the block the long way , only stop if you see us on the street . "
5 But if she says something to me about it I mean if she says something to me about it I 'm not gon na act surprised I 'll say oh yeah I 've heard .
6 Yeah but on the yeah but I mean if she sold it for thirty two she 'd still owe them nine thousand would n't she ?
7 Well if there 's stuff that 's you know , you do n't want and it 's all right for jumble , I mean if you want it for jumble take it , but if not we 'll have it for jumble , I mean you know it 's erm
8 I mean if you allow everybody in the group to have free access to everybody else in the group you may get a sort of different characteristic erm than if you only allow certain hierarchy to exist within the group , certain lines of communication .
9 Personally , I have a basic level of awareness which I raise if I find myself in a place or situation which could prove a problem .
10 All a third means is that 's what you get if you share one between three so they all get the same .
11 Like if someone put something in the food , eh ? , sooner or later everyone will be ill . ’
12 comment if I asked you for some advice ?
13 I ask if they know anything about the snowy owl .
14 Do n't stray from the line and shout if you find anything at all .
15 I wonder if it does it in American format .
16 Not because you wonder if you need them in June , but because they are long white scars instead of neat little puncture marks .
17 No it 's probably er a reaction like you do if you tickle him in a certain place they go do n't they ?
18 I think if we get everybody by ooh , ten thirty we can have sort of a game of strip Trivial Pursuit .
19 pull it up , well they might leave it and just co disconnect it but they they 'd have to bring it in , I do n't it 'd be better I think if we had ours in the back because the , the telephone thing comes in from the back be better than having it in the , in the passage really .
20 I think I think if you took one in the morning and then two at bedtime .
21 and how you feel yourself , that 's how you present yourself to other people , I think if you present yourself in a confident manner , I think people pick up on that and I do , I do n't think beauty is necessarily what you see , I think its how you feel within yourself and how you present yourself to people .
22 Yeah I think if you put them in polythene bags and staple
23 So I think if you take it through the life process that 's how I see feminism .
24 Mind you I think if you sent it without any postage and packaging charges I 'm pretty sure that they would er , they would send you the goods because they would n't want to loose a good customer .
25 And I think I think if I had something like that , I 'd tend to write sort of zero
26 I laugh if she caught it in the
27 Mind if I report it from yours ? ’
28 Mind if I have something with it .
29 If I take if I take one at night
30 Why do n't they have a big old disaster and see if they feature it on the news
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