Example sentences of "[vb base] they can [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They can travel easily in silty water only a metre or so deep , and as the waters recede they can remember the way back to the river bed along deep channels .
2 People actually say they can remember the bits I mention in the songs and usually it 's completely not the case .
3 Crews of an RAF TriStar , which flies a twice-weekly service between the Falklands and Britain , say they can see the berg as they approach and leave the islands .
4 So conservationists hope they can preserve the area 's outstanding natural beauty and cater for the tourists too .
5 ‘ If people do not like what they read they can put the letter in the bin .
6 You know they can make the designs with
7 By modifying children 's more difficult behaviour , they become more rewarding to their parents , and mothers and fathers who have been at the stage of rejecting and even abusing their difficult children find they can enjoy the experience of being a parent .
8 Regrettably , too many inadequately trained , ignorant and uncaring managers in too many workplaces believe they can beat the cost of unsafe practices and systems and take a chance on the consequences .
9 After lengthy consideration Philip and Lesley Casson now believe they can achieve the sales and labour cost targets contained in Tricon 's projections , outlined last week .
10 Then challenge from the North , why tough talking Yorkshire lawyers believe they can take the city 's cosy legal world by storm .
11 Surgeons believe they can save the sight of a seven-year-old girl who was injured , with the dead girl and her sister .
12 Beaten 16 times in the last 17 years over the 4 mile Putney to Mortlake course and virtually written off by the bookies , the Light Blues insist they can turn the tide .
13 ‘ Whilst we support land reclamation , urban redevelopment and housing improvements , and recognise they can improve the quality of life for many people in Wales , unless these activities are designed to achieve more than just aesthetic goals they may actually increase environmental damage through energy consumption , waste generation , increased resource demands and traffic flows ’ , said Dr Neil Caldwell , CPRW 's Director .
14 They think they can rule the world , well , to be fair , they probably could , only it 's as well if you do n't let them know it .
15 I do n't like artists who think they can scold the rest of the world , but this show will certainly include historic material .
16 The Humbersiders already have a top kicker in Paul Eastwood but think they can use the pace of Gallagher in their three-quarter line .
17 Maybe they think they can get the riders a bit cheaper or , you know , some of the boys might be panicking about a team spot somewhere but erm you know , I think it 's just the way that erm the way the world 's going at the moment and erm you know , I 'm certainly not erm too worried about erm you know , things at the moment really .
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