Example sentences of "[vb base] i [verb] you [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ O Mary , mother of sorrows who knows so well a mother 's anguish , intercede I pray you for this sorrowing mother and her innocent son … ’
2 Let me tell you about this guy , ’ said Harvey pointing a thumb at me .
3 As you set about making your plans for next year let me leave you with this thought from Eglantine Jebb If children of any country are physically or morally abandoned the whole world loses by it and the whole world gains if children grow up healthy , capable and ready to work for the good of their neighbours .
4 Then let me cosh you with this detail : one of the most important human pheromones , or sex-pongs , is called isobutyraldehyde , which in the mighty pulsing chain of carbon lies immediately next to — the odour of bean sprouts !
5 I said , ‘ Seth , let me help you over this ’ . ’
6 Two heads are better than one — and I feel I owe you on this .
7 eleven forty six , he 's got them inside , I think I told you about this did n't I ? , and I was inside helping them out like , he was outside , he did n't have his gas mask , we were doing the things , like M B C stuff , and I 'm inside and he said right you will each go to a post , where inside this tent , each to go to er , erm , cos there was six people inside and like there was six posts , he said you each got to a post inside the tent and on the you will pick up the tent , and I new what was coming , done it before sort of thing and erm , were all in M B C stuff cos there 's still lots of gas , but there was n't for very long , and he said right on the you will , er he just said , we picked it up right , were all fucking all fucking I said go on then ,
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