Example sentences of "[vb base] it [is] [adv] important that " in BNC.

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1 We all know it 's extremely important that that project plan is as accurate as possible .
2 ‘ I believe it is especially important that ACET represents the Church working in the front line to provide real and practical support .
3 We feel it 's very important that our rights of way network should be maintained and improved where possible which is why we are proposing an issue thank you .
4 As we feel it is most important that our pupils should benefit from the best teaching materials available , it is our policy to ensure that teachers have at their disposal a wide range of supplementary materials from which they can select what is appropriate for each set .
5 ‘ We are anxious to proceed with performance review it is vitally important that services provided by the council are subject to close scrutiny to ensure they are of sufficient quality and right for the customer . ’
6 And in a similar fashion I think it 's also important that we look the , the , move towards G P fundholding .
7 erm I saw in the newspaper , as I am sure you probably did , last week that the government has just devoted , I think , nine million pounds over the next few years to develop curricula and methods of training teachers in schools , and I think it 's tremendously important that that does n't become merely a bit more science of one form or another .
8 Can I just I think it 's fairly important that if we 'd have actually done the reconciliation , last week , we 'd have had the opportunity to recheck them .
9 I think I think it 's quite important that there is an equal partnership .
10 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
11 And I think it 's very important that people can come and talk to you and some representative 's of the board because there is unrest Tom and I 'm not prepared to stick my neck out and say in what quarter this lies but it can be got over it can be ironed out because running a theatre is to do with team spirit and that team spirit get 's conveyed to the public .
12 I think it 's very important that we should make clear
13 Consequently , they 're always coming in a bit behind the boys because the boys have been playing for a bit longer , and I think it 's very important that if girls are being offered the opportunity that the opportunity is good for them , and that it 's not going to put them off the game of football because they 're always in the position where the boys consider themselves a bit better .
14 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
15 I think it 's very important that er females should be taught that it 's pleasurable for them as well , you
16 And I think it 's very important that we look at what the impact of that transfer will have upon the hospital .
17 Yes , Chair , I , I mean I support the criteria that 's been laid out in five two there , I think it 's very important that we do actually , important that we do actually highlight the issue of low pay , and where it 's occurring , and in , in some way that then prevents companies , the , the unscrupulous type of companies that would come in to exploit that , from actually doing it , since most people would then be aware it , and I think that the last speaker 's just suggested that it 's an extremely cheap way of obtaining masses of information about Shropshire 's erm , earnings levels , and I think that 's very important that we are , and do come to grips with that , and clearly could n't afford officer time to be spent on , on merely collating that all the time .
18 I think it 's very important that we do n't neglect er people who live in rural areas and that we do in fact ensure that they get the same sort of provision erm that they do elsewhere .
19 I 'm sure Councillor and erm , and certainly there does seem to be more emphasis on helping people with difficult educational disabilities , and those with learning difficulties , but if we could encourage even more , excellent , and I think it 's very important that er , bank agencies er emphasise the fact that it 's training , plus their main aim being er also a qualification , which does help them get , erm jobs .
20 If these figures are right that we 've been given by the department and I 'm not saying them whether they 're right or whether they 're wrong but well we have to r rely on what we 're getting this is why Mr is sending this lot to the Chief Executive for him to do some work I think it 's very important that it is done independently , not by the independent sector but by done independently .
21 Because as I 've said to you before , I think it 's very important that a new settlement is provided somewhere within Greater York .
22 And that 's why I think it 's very important that erm the City Council , for example , has a Women 's Committee and Ann , obviously , will be able to talk much more about that than I can .
23 I think it 's very important that the developers appreciate the volume of public concern over this building .
24 You could argue that some of them work outside the home because they have to , for financial reasons , but I think it 's indisputable that a ever-growing number want to work outside the home and I think it 's very important that they should be allowed the scope to do so .
25 Now I also agree that these criteria are not of equal importance and I certainly would put the greatest weight on criterion one which is to avoid the greenbelt in fact I think it 's so important that it should n't be a criterion but it should be actually be within the preamble as it is now .
26 I think it is very important that people should see that we are under Cabinet government .
27 However , I do n't , I mean I think it is very important that we actually re retain this actually at Harefield .
28 So I think we have to do them , but I think it is very important that we do not erm , er talk to the , or communicate with the other member authorities in a way that looks as if this is Wiltshire saying , well we want to find a way of flogging off this asset without worrying about what happens to the future of the service .
29 To fully understand how these work it is vitally important that you take the time to compare the notes in the phrases to those in the accompanying chord progressions .
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