Example sentences of "[vb base] it [be] [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not too much to say that the quoted argument has the strength of this : We say it is probable that the spoon is under the napkin ; the relation of " being under " is therefore a relation of probability .
2 The property of being whiter is an obvious example , for one thing is compared with another when we say it is whiter than the other .
3 But now that she HAS come forward , detectives say it 's important that the rapist is caught before he strikes again .
4 In the first place it is noticeable that the great theme of his two Councils was the same as that of the Roman Council of 1059 , when the first effective legislation on clerical celibacy was initiated : it almost seems as if this subject had matured in his mind since that date ; certainly his early Deploratio virginitatis male amissae suggests that he may have had cause for thought on this subject .
5 To obtain the best synchronization and yield it is important that the hCG is administered before the release of endogenous luteinizing hormone ( LH ) which is regulated by the diurnal light/dark cycle .
6 This is the first of er two lectures on the American presidency and erm I want to begin just by putting the presidency in , in context erm thus far I hope it 's clear that the American pol political system is one in which authority is firstly limited by the constitution in which authority dispersed by the by virtue of the separation of powers .
7 The way in which they are applied has a crucial effect and having determined ratios between chemical and kinetic energy and heat it is important that a full allowance is made for the time required .
8 Oh look it 's all when The Who used to smash their rec , all their , I mean that used to be disgusting .
9 I know it 's thicker than the the pages love , but it 's
10 I know it 's short-sighted and the politicians will point this out to us , but what alternative have we got ? ’
11 During a smog alert it is essential that the emission control options are promptly applied and that the correct emission sources are targeted .
12 Interview he sez it 's appropriate that the men were brought to the Radcliffe for their eye surgery although it 's straightforward treatment .
13 ‘ I suppose it 's feasible that a girl with your looks and brains could drive someone to behave in the way you 've described .
14 In a general way , I suppose it was still-born because the town of Poole lay only four miles across the bay , founded about forty years before by William Longsword , Earl of Salisbury , and the new town of Edward 's , for all its royal backing and privileges of the City of London , could not compete with it .
15 Er , Council are also agreeing to the road and a District Council are in agreement with the road , albeit that they have asked for the road to follow more closely to the erm but I believe it is acceptable that the road and the line of the road in general principle is .
16 Since it was on 11th February in 1984 that I published the Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris on the Christian meaning of human suffering , I believe it is significant that the same day is set for the celebration of the ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ .
17 We believe it is vital that the Secretary of State is persuaded to revise his plans .
18 We believe it is vital that the Secretary of State is persuaded to revise his plans .
19 These things alter amazingly you know , I mean it 's incredible that the , the sort of and yet that they both work .
20 He bemoans the fact that players such as Dawe and Barnes went on tour but after their failure of the Argentine '90 tour it is obvious that a balanced , experienced squad was necessary .
21 ‘ I think it 's critical that a solution is reached which enables companies , that are not of sufficient size to go onto the full list , to have some marketability , ’ said KPMG partner , .
22 Think it 's worse than the
23 You could argue that some of them work outside the home because they have to , for financial reasons , but I think it 's indisputable that a ever-growing number want to work outside the home and I think it 's very important that they should be allowed the scope to do so .
24 I think it 's possible that a lot of the women here are saying no because of the stigma that 's attached to the word feminist feminism .
25 I think it 's nine and a bit now
26 I think it 's clear that the money 's coming from from the local parties .
27 She adds : ‘ I think it 's unlikely that the children will be allowed to come home . ’
28 Erm in my view , it has to link in somewhere into the primary i into the road network and it 's not appropriate to link it into er the local road system and er therefore I think it 's inevitable that a linkage will need to be made to the primary road network .
29 I think it 's true that the Cabinet never really discussed economic policy before the October [ 1974 ] election ; indeed did n't , as I recall , discuss it until early 1975 . ’
30 I mean people are a bit narrow in this respect you know they do n't like people to talk about it too openly — but I do because I think it 's important but the trouble is that — erm — that 's not really systematic in the sense that I do it but how many other people do it you see .
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