Example sentences of "[vb base] to the [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Flattery also works here — if you want to say something about yourself , suggest to the speaker that you 're choosing them to confide in .
2 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
3 ‘ I suggest to the players that they simplify the game .
4 ‘ If I suggest to the King that he spends Christmas at Scone and attends special Masses of Supplication for the continued well-being of his country , would you support me ? ’
5 Despite the undoubted hardship , not only to the famous such as the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West and other hon. Members , but to those who are known only to their families — I know from correspondence that many ordinary people suffer hardship because of what is said and done in court cases — I suggest to the House that we interfere with this at our peril , and at peril to our liberties and system of open justice .
6 Why should anyone look at this silent , red-haired violinist and leap to the conclusion that he was in the Department of Trade and Industry ?
7 We also propose to the TUC that they should consider the experience of trade unions in some other countries .
8 You should , though , make it clear at all times that you object to the way that you have been treated .
9 I object to the attitude that we have a right to kill to dispose of .
10 I do not believe that Scotland can or should avoid its international obligations , but I object to the fact that we are apparently being singled out as the one country that will be the nuclear laundry for everyone else .
11 ‘ But I still cling to the hope that I 'm mistaken , ’ Steve went on seriously , ‘ that I was n't in love and it was in fact infatuation . ’
12 For the moment I cling to the idea that there are a relatively small number of cell-to-cell signals .
13 The admission of several neutral countries need not lead to a stifling of their differences within a monolithic defence structure ; it could instead lead to a flexible approach to defence , in which individual Member States integrate to the extent that they feel is necessary and beneficial .
14 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
15 Too often , friends and colleagues react to the information that someone is suffering from depression either by agreeing that they often feel a bit down themselves but manage to cope , or else by treating the person as if he or she were suffering from mental disease .
16 Perhaps my hon. Friend will be reassured when I announce to the House that we will be laying tomorrow an order to ensure that , for all indictable offences , there will be the compulsory taking of evidence by tape recording in police stations .
17 Never announce to the world that you have gone away by forgetting to cancel the milk and newspapers .
18 But no such agreement will be binding on third parties save to the extent that they have knowledge thereof .
19 ‘ We were able to draw on our experience in academic bookselling , and demonstrate to the Hallam that we were already running a successful academic bookshop in Sheffield .
20 use voluntary work to ‘ shape ’ your day , keep skills sharp and demonstrate to the interviewer that you have used your time constructively
21 It is , however , open to the criticism that it helps to preserve the anachronistic situation in which proprietary interests receive more protection than the interest in physical security .
22 Holding solicitors confirm to the others that their client 's part is signed and is identical to the part signed by the other party ; they agree they will forthwith insert in both parts the agreed completion date .
23 Will my right hon. Friend confirm to the House that there will be no secret deal and no secret negotiations , but that the international arrest warrants will be executed as soon as the opportunity arises ?
24 Things matter to the extent that they are significantly new in terms of official Catholic teaching ; that is to say , in comparison with papal teaching or the major textbooks of approved theology of the first half of the twentieth century .
25 Things matter to the extent that they were discussed at considerable length and drafted with particular care .
26 Whether control of these facilities by the CPSU fulfilled this requirement is debatable , but before we jump to the conclusion that we could not have expected anything else from the Soviet system , consider the chequered history of the First Amendment to the United States constitution , which reads inter alia : ‘ congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech . ’
27 When we get to the ones that we say are awkward alright , we 'll er let you think of erm a way out , okay ?
28 Cos when you , when you get to the stage that you 're at now basically , that it 's not that difficult be what sort of extra money to find
29 Not not until you get to the height that you want .
30 I refer to the answer that I gave to the hon. Member for Hemsworth ( Mr. Enright ) some moments ago .
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