Example sentences of "[vb base] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Umar Abu Shanab was allegedly tortured while in detention and his relatives fear that he continues to be tortured or ill-treated .
2 Dr Clarke went on to say ‘ this does not , however , mean that we agree to be displaced in one city after another .
3 To be supporting people at a time of impending loss does not of itself mean that we have to be doing ‘ counselling ’ .
4 Being aware and feeling love for mankind can not — and should not — mean that you have to be totally submissive .
5 We know that we need to be loved but are afraid of rejection .
6 You know that you tend to be bronchial .
7 I know that you tend to be inundated with questionnaires but hope you will agree that this is a vital area of concern and will help us find ways of reaching new ways of assisting young people in and into sport .
8 You just know that you want to be the one who makes it back .
9 I ca n't prove anything and I still do n't understand it all , but I know , and I know that I have to be there , have to get to Strathspeld .
10 We know that it pays to be informed about the particular problems of getting older , like osteoporosis , the development of brittle bones , that can afflict women past the menopause .
11 Payments indicate that he continued to be employed by the Revels Office for the next two years .
12 I was confident of beating him , but then I believe that you have to be confident of beating everybody .
13 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
14 It is an important Bill even if , as it stands , we believe that it needs to be improved .
15 I find that I have to be honest with Mary and many others .
16 No doubt Cardiff feel that they have to be seen to be doing something to restore both their fortunes and their credibility and that the something should be suitably dramatic .
17 Apologists for the House of Lords argue that it ceased to be the exclusive preserve of the upper classes with the creation of Life Peerages in 1958 .
18 The truest ‘ greens ’ are those who recognise that we need to be protected from aspects of the environment , of which the rat and the louse represent the unacceptable face .
19 We intend to focus much more on our customers and their needs so that in all we do , from land purchase to after-sales service , we recognise that we need to be a customer driven company .
20 There be NATO in the West and then there will be the ex-Soviet Union probably of some kind of military alliance in the East , and I think that we need to be in constant contact with one another discussing the changes that are going on .
21 I know perfectly well that when he was chairman of the Greater London council he wanted an elected police authority , and I think that he wanted to be chairman of it
22 The damage here tells its own story about the impact which killed four horses outright , left two others so badly hurt that they had to be put down and fourteen more with serious injuries .
23 This is exactly the kind of relationship work that we need to be doing when we are engaged .
24 I see that I need to be your shadow .
25 I discover that he claimed to be the revelation of God himself , the One who shows us what God is like .
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