Example sentences of "[vb base] that [pron] [vb mod] not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
2 He will be aware that losses by ECGD of £3 billion , which have already been disclosed , with the possibility of a similar sum in the pipeline , suggest that we can not afford to underestimate the possible losses to the nation if we get the ECGD judgments wrong .
3 It is important , however , that they realise that one can not treat labels .
4 If you realise that you can not make the schedule , then you need to negotiate a realistic alternative .
5 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
6 That is one of the principal arguments of those on the Government Benches who say that we should not sign up , that we can not say at this stage whether we are capable , as an economy , of participating without damage in a single currency .
7 However , because the individual has settled here the Government say that they can not send that person back .
8 It is then a matter of preference whether you say that they can not choose the goals or that they can not form strategies to achieve them or both .
9 The Government say that they can not tell us the value of the companies because the information is commercially sensitive .
10 The Germans say that they can not absorb that number , and country after country is saying the same .
11 Germany , the Netherlands and Belgium are supporters of the British plan but other EC countries say that they can not afford to build the new plants required for waste disposal .
12 Forby , I say that they will not wait in the town to let themselves be besieged .
13 This is an important change and I am glad that we have got away from the odious and patronising attitude of so many local education authorities — particularly Labour local education authorities — that say that one can not trust parents with objective information about how their children 's schools are doing .
14 The instructions say that I can not enter the building after 11 o'clock this morning .
15 Then I had to be honest , and say that I could not guarantee to work for longer than four months .
16 I think that I heard the Minister of State say that he would not give way .
17 I readily acknowledge that I can not expect definitive statements from the Minister when the answers given by his ministerial colleagues , who have greater legal experience than the Minister and I possess , are , to say the least , somewhat circumspect .
18 We regret that we can not entitle this article ‘ Homage to Mr Lawrence ( sic ) Binyon , ’ for Mr Binyon has not sufficiently rebelled .
19 We regret that we can not exchange tickets under any circumstances .
20 The Trust welcomes photography in the grounds of its properties , but for reasons of conservation and security and to avoid inconvenience to other visitors , we regret that we can not allow photography of any kind inside our historic buildings .
21 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on articles or projects that are more than five years old .
22 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on projects that are more than five years old .
23 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on articles or projects that are more than five years old .
24 We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on projects that are more than five years old .
25 Freshers applying after 1st September will receive assistance in finding suitable accommodation : we regret that we can not guarantee University accommodation in such cases .
26 I regret that I can not quote the Minister exactly , but I am sure that he will tell me if my paraphrase is inaccurate .
27 I regret that I can not spell out part by part and line by line exactly what I want to achieve .
28 I regret that I can not participate in the production on your track but will follow its release with interest . ’
29 A Contracting State may at the time of signature , ratification or accession , declare that it will not execute Letters of request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries .
30 ‘ Is it your wish to so demoralize Aschmann that she can not perform and you are therefore left without a leading lady for three operettas ? ’
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