Example sentences of "[vb base] be the [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ones you want are the good long ones are n't they ?
2 They 've shown that if you run it at the right speed and stuff it 's one of the most effective methods of doing it and erm the ones we say are the nice little plate compactors which are the best thing , they are useless in comparative performance so
3 Only as these islands coalesce is the full Madelung energy involved , producing the observed increase in adsorption heat with coverage .
4 Does em does empirical evidence , well I think you probably say generally that there is some economic factors and there is some non economic factors , which of those two does er empirical evidence suggest is the main driving force behind migration ?
5 Yeah , they are what they want is the regional fucking words , like phrases which are particular to your area , like bull shit and the
6 ‘ You mean that you … enjoy being the only sober person here tonight ? ’
7 Er it would n't have been so bad you know because we when we set out first it was just you know to be successful at home and then we were successful over here and that was you know was the serious big surprise .
8 Material from the rest of the cloud globule continually falls into the embryonic sun , building up further mass , pressure and temperature , soon reaching thousands of degrees centigrade and beginning to glow like the T Tauri stars ( glowing clouds of dense cosmic dust ) , which astronomers now think are the typical intermediate link between the dark globules and fully formed stars .
9 The most popular German salami that I sell is the square peppery variety , which is very finely minced pork and beef coated on the outside with ground black peppercorns ( see p7 ) .
10 Since that time , interest rates have increased and there have been the well publicised problems in the sector .
11 While the institutions rushing for the exit have been the small British firms , the institutions entering these markets — in addition to a number of major British banks — have been the comparatively enormous foreign houses .
12 There have been the odd sour ones , from men who object to what they call sexism in the Labour Party , ie , ‘ assisted places ’ on the Shadow Cabinet .
13 Until this year , massive and painful jabs of immunoglobulin in the bottom have been the only short-term chance of protection .
14 This and our unbelievable performance against Northtown have been the only bright spots in another nightmare week .
15 The council is aiming at money earmarked for spending on rural development , what the European Commission calls Objective 5b , the status which the Highlands and Islands have been the only Scottish region to have had in recent years .
16 Along with the clatter of clunk-clicking up and down the nation this week , there have been the usual apocryphal murmurings about the dangers of seat belts .
17 In 1973 David Clarke wrote an article called ‘ Archaeology : the loss of innocence ’ and although things have moved on , and there have been lots of new ideas since the early days of the new archaeology , that loss of innocence , and the willingness to think about the theoretical foundations of archaeology , have been the big new development .
18 Traditionally the merchant banks have been the main financial advisers in a merger or acquisition deal — they traded very much on their reputation for knowing all the right people and being able to approach them at any time .
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