Example sentences of "[vb base] in [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For that is how they are supposed to function , that is how they publicly claim that they attempt to function , and , as we shall see below , that is the normal way to justify their authority ( i.e. not by assuming that they always succeed in acting in the ideal way , but on the ground that they do so often enough to justify their power ) , and naturally authorities are judged and their performance evaluated by comparing them to the ideal .
2 The fundamental question proved to be this : can the job creation and training schemes for West Belfast succeed in turning round the economic marginalisation and discrimination which the area has traditionally experienced ?
3 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
4 The schemes of their economic alliance , Caricom , rarely come to much , because its members buy little from each other , and compete in selling to the outside world .
5 The difficulties that public sector graduates have in getting into the senior positions in the professions have little to do with their academic accomplishments and much to do with the cultural stratification in society of which academic institutions are a part .
6 So far I have tried to argue that the competences people have in dealing with the outside world vary in kind , adequacy , number and distribution .
7 experience in dealing with the learned professions and the controlling authorities .
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