Example sentences of "[det] who [verb] not have the " in BNC.

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1 Results show that these patients recover at a much faster rate , that they are more optimistic , less ‘ self-pitying ’ and demand less time and attention from nursing staff than those who did not have the opportunity for anticipatory mourning .
2 First of all you should eliminate all those who do not have the essential qualifications for the job you listed while you were still being objective and were not influenced by the different personalities of the candidate .
3 This month 's feature suggests ways of designing your own artwork , and will be of interest to those who do not have the benefit of a computer-aided p.c.b .
4 Medical attention is not easy to come by in Peru for those who do not have the money to pay for it .
5 Conversely , this communication between specialists will be incomprehensible to those who do not have the expertise which resides in this particular set of models .
6 This might seem artificial to those who have not had the joy of standing on the fells and watching this happen .
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