Example sentences of "[det] which [modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , registration does not create a priority point in the sense that the chargee is guaranteed priority from the date of registration ; this is because if A registers have charge on 21 January he has no guarantee that the company has not created a charge prior to this which may be registered within 21 days and thus have priority .
2 There are also two ‘ pad ’ settings , one which puts the ground lift on or off and another which can be set at 40dB , 12dB or 0dB .
3 References to cattle-raiding as the favourite sport of the moran , in a tone only slightly less indulgent than that which might be used for inter-house cricket matches , were very common .
4 There are two main methods of budding — that which may be regarded as the traditional way , and another ‘ new ’ method that is more often used for other shrubs and trees — although we were using it 40 years ago on both bush and standard roses .
5 Nevertheless , the lack of association between reduced birth weight and the subsequent development of diabetes suggests that defects of β cell function , in addition to that which may be induced by malnutrition in utero , are probably required for the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes .
6 However , since managers can also offer a coupon for the bonds — and hence a yield — which is more or less competitive by taking a higher risk , the overall price must also contain elements of the deviation of the yield from that which would be obtained from other competing intermediaries .
7 There is , nowadays , little reason for the tenant to seek to incorporate an option to renew in his lease unless by reason of his bargaining strength he can secure that the rent payable under the new lease will be lower than that which would be fixed by the court on an application for a new tenancy under the 1954 Act .
8 One can certainly envisage situations in which the sub-optimal response of agents to the dynamics of a particular dynamic market game might lead to a market equilibrium away from that which would be reached under optimal behaviour .
9 But what finally convinced me that the emission was real was that the spectrum of the emitted particles was exactly that which would be emitted by a hot body , and that the black hole was emitting particles at exactly the correct rate to prevent violations of the second law .
10 They are paid to compensate for any additional costs incurred in paying for accommodation in the overseas location over and above that which would be incurred at home .
11 But the promise in the present case must be taken to be , as in fact it was , express : and the question is , whether that fact will warrant the extension of the promise beyond that which would be implied by law ; and whether the consideration , though insufficient to raise an implied promise , will nevertheless support an express one .
12 The effect of the expansion of Zechstein salt section would be to elevate the overlying Bunter Shale such that its depth of burial is less than that which would be expected from its velocity character acquired at greater depth .
13 Examination of the aircraft revealed a quantity of metal swarf in the oil filter , the nature of which was consistent with that which would be expected from a bearing failure within the engine .
14 Currently , extensive areas of Europe and eastern North America are experiencing average pH values of less than 4.5 and even less than 4.0 This represents precipitation acidity up to 30–40 times that which would be expected from an unpolluted atmosphere ( figure 4.3 ) .
15 This will usually favour the firm which seeks injunctive relief , since the damage which might result from failing to restrain a former partner is almost bound to exceed that which could be caused by holding the latter to his covenants .
16 This technique may be used when the Bank is keen to produce a change in interest rates faster than that which could be obtained by waiting for bill offers to respond to an initial rejection of bids by the Bank : it was used more frequently in 1988 and 1989 , especially as a method of signalling the Bank 's desire to see higher short term interest rates .
17 The first step was to check the cost of the in-house services against that which could be provided by private contractors .
18 Another interesting feature of exchanges of this type is that , under certain conditions , money could be used to fulfil one part of the bargain , i.e. if practical services were being offered in only one direction , or if those services went beyond that which could be contained in normal , on-going reciprocal exchange .
19 Platelet aggregation induced by endoperoxides appeared to be greater than that which could be accounted for by the endoperoxides alone , and Hamberg et al ( 1975 ) were able to demonstrate that in platelets endoperoxides are further metabolised to a very unstable compound , thromboxane A 2 .
20 Nevertheless , I knew that I needed something far beyond that which could be offered by the NHS .
21 Advisers had in many cases given guarantees that the only information that they would use in the final report would be that which could be used in a public document .
22 The sample of 120 households was therefore divided into three matched lists of 40 addresses , A , B and C. Each provided a coverage of the major social and ethnic variations in residential pattern similar to that which could be found in the original list of 120 .
23 Our gloss acrylic coating can be burnished to a mirror-like gloss surpassing that which can be obtained with polyurethane varnishes .
24 that the only kind of learning worth seriously measuring is that which can be evaluated by making a mark on a card for subsequent ingestion by a machine ( An awful corollary to this is that judgments made by human beings must be given less weight than electronically certified facts . )
25 The choice of treatment may be skewed towards that which can be paid for , rather than that which may be in the best interests of or preferred by the patient .
26 Although the speed of the computer does not allow animation comparable to that which can be produced on film , there is no doubt that this facility , which has only just begun to be explored , can give real power to the teacher .
27 Both these birds eat only that which can be picked off the surface or tweezered out of the crevices .
28 The subjects listed opposite are those which may be counted towards the General Entrance Requirement .
29 no right to dividends other than those which may be recommended by the directors ;
30 Following the on-site inspection , the findings are analysed and the Surveyor prepares his written report , giving the purchaser a clear picture of the property 's condition and information of the important defects which will need immediate attention and those which may be required in the medium to long term .
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