Example sentences of "[det] would have been [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Roger Kelly is convinced that there are enough people to invest in the centre : ‘ Five years ago this would have been a pipe-dream , but with the rise of the ethical investment movement it 's become a real possibility .
2 This would have been a correlate of the impact value of the thesis , since it would have indicated the level of acknowledgement of the content of the thesis by the same or other authors .
3 I now realise this would have been a mistake .
4 This would have been a tragedy to many club professionals but to Waites , who had lived and breathed the game ever since he was a youngster , it was quite unthinkable .
5 Not so many years ago , this would have been a non-question : Christians believed that the Star was one of God 's miracles , while scientists , by and large , believed that the whole story was a myth .
6 This would have been a stage towards the best-remembered dance sequence in the film , prominently featured in That 's Entertainment ! ( 1974 ) , when they go ‘ Dancing In The Dark ’ in a fantasy Central Park , she in a pleated white skirt and flat shoes , he in a light sport jacket and slacks , just as they 've come from rehearsal .
7 Had the Tuairisc model been adopted , there would have been no question of NICRA initiating demonstrations in Dungannon or Derry ; this would have been the responsibility of purely local groups .
8 The biochemical test to prove this would have been the differentiation between the cardiac and the hepatic lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes .
9 Yeah I genuinely look all I can say about this new album is if I 'd have continued recording for the last twenty odd years and had a sustained recording career like Cliff continued singing , this would have been the album that I would 've ended up doing anyway .
10 The ‘ oohs ’ and ‘ ahs ’ of reverence which greeted this would have been the envy of any priest or preacher .
11 Mr. Howell frankly accepted that this would have been the result .
12 An exterior stairway led to the entrance at first-floor level , with another storey above ; these would have been the groom 's quarters over the stable itself .
13 These would have been the coloniae , tribal capitals and London ; tor this reason , these towns have been disregarded in the argument .
14 You know , hardly get a go-round in the in the Dictionary of Quotations but at least you got the person there which is right , but in actual fact , how I might have treated that and I might what might have grabbed me a little bit more would have been the story which I would be looking for , I 'd be looking for my journalist to turn that into and therefore you might as well try and do it for us , because journalists like , like count on your labour , as I
15 That would have been a day tomorrow .
16 That would have been a mistake .
17 That would have been a mistake .
18 That would have been a laugh , would n't it ? ’
19 that would have been a decision of Mr
20 Cos that would have been a bit quick really would n't it ?
21 Holyfield says that he regrets the fight with Tyson never took place because ‘ that would have been a dream fight .
22 And a legitimate hook because people are concerned about food and eating and so forth , and that , that would have been a hook you could grab people with , and most people would have thought ‘ That would be something I want to read about . ’
23 The refusal to raise National Insurance rates is very good because that would have been a tax increase .
24 That would have been a boost to everybody .
25 again that would have been a matter raised at our board and passed on
26 Now , that would have been a W I committee day so we 've had to alter the committee to the Tuesday , so I 'm afraid they 'll be no handy craft on Tuesday the first of December .
27 For years she had turned a calm , expressionless face on the world — quiet , distant , not even blatantly cold , because that would have been a challenge to some men .
28 I mean that would have been a disaster I mean it 's only because I was upstairs and I thought oh I can smell boiling .
29 He went on , ‘ If it had n't been for Bertha sticking to her guns over the question of the house , I 'd have been married to Doreen by now — and that would have been a disaster . ’
30 The Friends ' new Patron says that for a modern town like Swindon , that would have been a disaster .
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