Example sentences of "[det] would [vb infin] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This would attract even more criticism .
2 It was always likely that this would happen again this year , given that the Walker Cup team were making history whereas Faldo , for all his brilliance , was the second Briton and the fourth European in the Eighties to win at Augusta .
3 This would produce significantly increased charges for depreciation , which in Local Authority No. 3 would simply lead to significant cash surpluses .
4 This would require far greater funding by the parties to Cites for an investigations and ivory unit .
5 They had always attached importance to keeping level with India , and now they renewed the pressure , It was explained that the Dominion status option was open to them , with the same timetable as India ; but if they became a republic this would require more contentious legislation and the negotiation of an Anglo-Burmese Treaty .
6 If the Walled Garden and Garden Cottage were to be transferred to the ownership of Oatridge Agricultural because of the previous set out in the above piece of legislation this would have very serious consequences to the capital value of what can only be described as the department 's most valued property asset .
7 I already have five extremely amusing stories and I know these would make very interesting reading .
8 These would undertake so many operations for half a million pounds .
9 Though this would not satisfy purists , the only factor that would invalidate the productivity index for this purpose would be if some companies had widely different subcontract proportions in their outputs ; these would have apparently higher figures than the others .
10 The latter would receive around fourteen rupees per day .
11 The latter would have overall administrative control and would be responsible to MEHQ for advising on technical and operational matters .
12 No point in admitting to the telephone call ; that would mean even less chance of prising anything out of Harris .
13 That would mean more wretched soya protein and oats .
14 The current price is comparable with tree-based high quality paper , — that would fall once home-grown hemp is used .
15 That would take more low-paid workers out of the tax net and encourage more part-time work .
16 That would destroy more small businesses and large companies , even more people would be made unemployed and more families would lose their homes .
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