Example sentences of "[det] that [pers pn] have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 1 was attracted by another that I had discussed on a visit to Europe : certain branded drugs would not be prescribed at all when entirely adequate substitute generic drugs existed .
2 WE got so much that we had asked for from Norman Lamont yesterday that it might seem churlish not to give his Autumn Statement an unqualified welcome .
3 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
4 That 's why I 'm fiddling around doing the odd window here and there because that 's all that we 've got for .
5 There was an old shooting range behind the farmhouse and we went up there one morning to put into practice all that we had learnt about explosives .
6 Both these , of course , also have underneath the pattern of the blueprint detective story and all that we have seen about that sort of book applies to the backgrounder , though perhaps with less rigour .
7 For all that we have said about the role of the country districts round — which applies as much to northern as to Italian cities — and the close relation , however ambivalent , of religious aspirations and the development of towns , it is in the end their place in the accumulation of wealth which marks them out in this age : they are at once the symbols and the centres of mammon ; in them gathered the moneyers who struck coin and the merchants who exchanged and accumulated it .
8 From all that we have said about both training and education , we can see a genuine and urgent need for the kind of flexible , variegated , self-paced learning environment that multimedia can offer .
9 ‘ Now I want to share with him from the earliest moments the joy , the vindication , the victory after all that we have gone through together . ’
10 All that we have written in this section has been in a light vein , but there is a very serious side to it .
11 They recounted all that they had learned in their careful reconnaissance , clustered in a corner of the great hall with the dogs round their feet in the rushes .
12 Clelia 's visit , however , was all that she had hoped for .
13 ‘ No one … ’ began Sally-Anne passionately , thinking of all that she had seen since arriving in Vetch Street — the poor creatures in Dr Neil 's surgery , and the even poorer ones who could not afford to go there — and of Dr Neil 's own selflessness letting people off their bills , so that only the small income he still received from an aunt 's legacy allowed him to keep going at all , when he could have been revelling with Stair .
14 Here was the most loved owner in British racing , the most adored individual in British society , about to win the country 's greatest steeplechase — a fitting reward for all that she had put into the sport .
15 She 's gon na put all that she 's got into it , yeah .
16 Suddenly the people , his people , were expressing only loathing for all that he had achieved in his thirty-seven years on the throne .
17 He confessed to Beaton all that he had done at the behest of the English king , including ‘ the suppression of sundry abbeys and friaries ’ .
18 In a book generally very critical of Reagan , this comes as a rather surprising encomium to his effectiveness in office , although Stockman also makes it clear that the president did not get all that he had asked for in tax cuts .
19 As Jaq lay in his sleep-cell at quarter-light with the trunk sealed in the nearby oubliette , he recalled all that he had learned at the conclave .
20 BISHOP JOHN CROWLEY writes of Bishop Harris : With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
21 With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
22 The patterns you can make on your machine depend upon your first learning what the machine will do automatically and then experimenting by adapting all that you have absorbed into your own designs .
23 I am also aware of the work put in to securing a new Glasgow Office — thanks to you and your colleagues for all that you have done at local level .
24 I thank you once again for all that you have done in 1992 and wish you and your families a happy and restful Christmas .
25 To me she represented all that I had imagined of the bygone days of sail .
26 I told her all that I had read of him .
27 All that I have said in the last chapter about preparation and being able to sort out important issues is again not possible given this scenario .
28 We pray especially for those that You have placed in close proximity to us ; our relatives ; our neighbours ; those we meet day by day .
29 We thank you , Lord , for those that You have gifted to be teachers of your Word and ministers in Your church .
30 Father , you know that we have many links with your people in other lands through those that you have called from this congregation to serve you overseas .
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