Example sentences of "[det] do [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Generally speaking most tradesmen have some ways peculiar to themselves which they either derived from masters who taught them or from the experience of things or from something in the course of business ’ , but this did not strictly apply to undertakers ,
2 This did not just happen by itself .
3 This did not immediately lead to what might be defined as specific growth policies .
4 Even when one can see a similar history of decline or recovery , this did not necessarily occur in different towns at the same time ( 71 ) .
5 Indeed there is , if anything , a tendency for the final events to be revealed early in the investigation while the factors which led to them remain obscure until a much later stage , and some do not ever emerge at all .
6 The travellers ' response to this place was positive and warm , and this does not simply derive from the contrast with the pompous inhospitality they found at Armadale , where they were perhaps disgruntled at staying only in an estate official 's house ( the mansion had been burnt down ) , even if the laird and his lady stayed with them .
7 However , this does not generally apply to larger farms , and it is paradoxical that some of the lowest earnings are in East Anglia , where the largest and probably most profitable farms are located .
8 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
9 Even if this does not strictly fit into the history framework , teachers will want to build on such events , or , alternatively , they might perhaps form the basis of a " once only " local unit .
10 But it is important to affirm the independence in principle of the linguistic and social analysis at this stage of the work , especially as this does not always seem to be recognized .
11 Yet this does not really speak to the conservatives ' point .
12 As long as there is an abundant supply of water high temperatures tend to be associated with high rates of weathering , although this does not necessarily result in deep weathering profiles for , as we have already noted , where slope gradients are steep the products of weathering may be removed almost as soon as they are created .
13 The trouble is , this does not necessarily lead to greater understanding of why something represents good practice .
14 Professor Chapman points out that this does not necessarily lead to a drop in standards of physical care , but stresses the apparent risk that patients may occasionally be made to feel ‘ merely an appendage to a machine ’ .
15 Since bilateral speech need not imply that speech functions are distributed equally between the hemispheres this does not necessarily conflict with the finding that the proportion of subjects showing a left ear advantage was highest among the strongly left handed .
16 This does not only vary from make to make but between individual machines of the same make .
17 This does not entirely square with the view that politicians are potentially too ‘ knavish ’ to make decisions of any importance , but it was , I suspect , near the mark .
18 This does n't just happen to you — you have to work at it and PE will help you to achieve fitness in an enjoyable way .
19 This does n't just apply to those who have paid for the event .
20 It is often said that opposites attract , but this does n't usually work with horses ; most people are happier with an animal whose temperament is similar to their own .
21 This does n't necessarily apply to new artists .
22 I think that Sussex in a way perhaps is n't quite as identifiable as it was and I think this does n't necessarily cause by any particular circumstance or group of individuals or individual or whatever .
23 We can quickly find , by taking the examples of associative adjectives in Chapter 2 , that these do not normally occur after their noun either .
24 These do not yet apply in HDTV .
25 For reasons outlined earlier in this chapter these do not usually consist of jobs , but rather of space ( which will be considered in the following chapter under the heading of land use and access ) and housing .
26 In the mundane we have to live by the laws of the mundane and these do not always concur with the laws of the transcendent .
27 We will need to disclose your report to our opponents , and so please include in a covering letter any comments you may have about any contribution our client may have made to the accident as these do not necessarily have to be disclosed .
28 Many did not even get past their own wire defences .
29 To be sure , the latter did not always approve of royal actions , for even the most pious rulers occasionally transgressed .
30 ‘ That will have to change if I do n't land a job with much the same salary , and jobs like that do n't exactly grow on trees , you know , particularly when you 're over fifty . ’
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