Example sentences of "[det] a [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The Bank of England has , for many years , sought to make this a continuous operation and it seeks to buy stock approaching maturity rather than waiting for legal redemption dates .
2 There is something in the British political culture , and I call this a national characteristic once it gets deep into a culture , which has made British politics consistently less violent than others .
3 I call this an alternative theory because it seems obvious to me that the committee did think that clause 12 was necessary — and I am not simply referring to the definition of ‘ deception . ’
4 When I did manage to follow it , I was stunned by the fact that it could gain such a good speed although it was flying without putting any apparent effort into beating its wings .
5 This system no longer had quite such a regional character as it had had in the 1890s because local banks were already becoming part of the national system of clearing banks which was to take shape during the First World War .
6 From a subjective viewpoint , these differences do not seem to depend on linguistically-represented concepts , and moreover are of such a general character that it is implausible to ascribe them uniquely to human perceivers .
7 My father had an atlas which had been published in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , but this was on such a small scale that it was virtually useless .
8 It is important also not to pretend that library censorship is such a small problem that it can be safely ignored .
9 This is an alarmingly grown-up piece of acting from such a small boy and it is obvious why he is paid so much money to do it .
10 Was Great Casterton such a small place that it was low in the list of priorities ?
11 Generally speaking cannons have such a long range that it is pointless moving them about .
12 So I take my hat off to any person from any Party who is involved in political life for such a long time because it 's an effort and it requires a sacrifice er not only to the but also to careers and perhaps , most important of all , to family life .
13 A ‘ system ’ is such a bounded entity that it is possible to differentiate between what is inside and what it outside .
14 Painting cars has become such a complex process that it can account or up to one-fifth of the manufacturing cost of a car .
15 Code switching in intra-generational talk is such a complex matter that it merits a chapter to itself , and the whole of the next chapter is devoted to it .
16 This has such a low density that it can float in water and blocks of pumice may travel thousands of kilometres across the world 's oceans .
17 If we have such a low requirement that it can be met from windfalls , small sites and recycling land above commitments , then that is not certainty , that is uncertainty and that is not in my estimation the basis on which the planning system is meant to operate on , so that people can invest with confidence .
18 It is one of the most ancient of dye plants , its use being recorded 2,500 years ago , and it is such a strong dye that it will produce a deep pink-brown without a mordant — with alum and tin it supplies red and red-brown .
19 It is such a strong signal that it is necessary for us to know more about it . "
20 Similarly in Karsales ( Harrow ) Ltd v Wallis [ 1956 ] 2 All ER 266 the seller of a car was guilty of a total failure to perform where the car delivered was in such a poor condition that it was totally incapable of self-propulsion and could not properly be described as a " car " .
21 The major exception is the ubiquitous iron knife , perhaps so common and such a personal item that it was felt to be expendable .
22 It was such a major operation but it had to be done although sometimes you think : My God , he 's worse off than before .
23 Life was marching up such a strange road that it was sometimes hard to take it all in .
24 One morning the young man was seized with a fit , in Dr. Prior 's presence , of ‘ such a frightful nature that it required strong nerves to witness same in those who are used to such sights ’ .
25 According to Advanced Micro , the 210 has proven such a popular architecture that it has been chosen for the first speed and power upgrades .
26 The last folly was finished in nineteen thirty-six and provoked such a public outcry that it led to the first-ever planning inquiry .
27 You may find that you often have to do this , as even a modest wedding bouquet can be too large to fit into a reasonably-sized picture frame , and if it were reproduced in its original size it could become such a large picture that it would completely dominate any room in which it was hung .
28 She wrote to Jane at the start of her employment : ‘ There are two things I beg you to do : get your time each day in the fresh air and strictly limit the hours you spend on your work , which I have always had to do anyway with such a large family and it does make sense in the end .
29 It was believed that this intervention would be aided if the state had control of certain key industries ( eg coal , railways , gas , electricity distribution ) , which were crucial to post-war economic recovery and which were in such a rundown state that it was unlikely that sufficient private capital would materialise to rejuvenate them .
30 He hit the flaring log such a hefty thwack that it broke in two .
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