Example sentences of "[det] of the [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Half of the wine and they top it up with water .
2 She told some lies about the close relations between the old malai half of the island and ours which had , she said , made them indistinguishable for all practical purposes : for example , it was not an invasion but a reunion .
3 I 've personally had problems with one doctor cos he was out of date , he was n't you know , was n't aware of some of the treatments and I had to actually enlighten him to some of the the treatments that was available for people !
4 So , when Fisher Fine Art closed down , they asked us to take on some of the artists and we decided to try out Gwen Hardie whom I think is promising .
5 ‘ I do n't think we 'll always need paid carers — quite often simply a good coordination of what 's possible might solve some of the problems and we might not need to employ anyone . ’
6 These are some of the problems and it may be that early agreement and consequent implementation of the Second Directive are difficult to achieve .
7 Well a lot , I found a lot of blokes in the infantry they were so scared of some of the officers and I
8 I have mentioned Janis and some of the others and we could add to the list — Heather Couper , the astronomer , for example .
9 But I think if y if you read some of the stuff and you said well , could I do that ?
10 Now some of the girls And they 're released you know , some of the girls were arrested what two or three times a night .
11 He went to back to work in the factory in the big cabinet making factory , and there was a fire and he went up to help some of the girls and he was trapped in the lift .
12 ‘ I thought I could cut through some of the stitching and we could get in at the bottom , ’ said Masklin .
13 Where I could also spend a great deal of time talking about our common enemies , our mutual friends and some of the similarity and our aims for world peace and again , I 'm gon na leave that for the statesmen and the politicians .
14 Well you know , if you spent an afternoon looking through some of the files and what the opportunities were .
15 The first evening we left the children with some of the helpers and my husband , David , and I set out to Mass at the convent .
16 ‘ They could see I was taking it easier on some of the sessions and they told me so .
17 Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water , and we rowed away to look for land .
18 Tony and Matt had brought lamps to look in some of the levels and we left the car in Gunnerside and followed the sign by the bridge that said " Public Footpath to Gunnerside Gill " .
19 And I came and , and I did n't think Harlow was for me because I , it was all very built up and lots of roundabouts but the people , the partners were so lovely and er I saw some of the patients and I thought they were very lovely too , so this is where I 've been .
20 Just spilling out memories of Pa right back to her childhood eased away some of the pain and she was able to relax a little .
21 In section three erm I set out erm my basis for the valuation of all those criterion for each of the sectors and basically I 've adopted erm a fourth grade evaluation of each of the factors and you 'll see on table one , which is contained within section two , erm the er the summary of that consideration .
22 Another well known and frequently reported story is that of the man and his dog at Swithland .
23 This latter undertaking was , however , independent of and severable from that of the shareholders and there was no reason why it should not be enforceable by the shareholders among themselves as a personal agreement that in no way fettered TBL in the exercise of its statutory powers .
24 Devising and enacting appropriate remedies fitted more easily into the Labour Party 's outlook than into that of the Conservatives and they produced few very positive ideas for reform or change .
25 One day we shall have many more family sagas to set aside that of the Moulds and we will be able to speak with more confidence about general trends .
26 His greatest reward was the gift of a mortuary temple , the only one granted to a non-royal person , which was built near to that of the king and which raised the deceased Amenhotep to divine status , placing him amongst the cults of kings .
27 Third , that certain factors in avant-garde culture , and especially the conscious breaks from ‘ traditional ’ styles , have to be analysed not only in formal terms but within the sociology of metropolitan encounters and associations between immigrants who share no common language but that of the metropolis and whose other ( including visual ) received sign-systems have become distanced or irrelevant .
28 Athelstan linked his arm through that of the coroner and they carefully made their way down Cheapside .
29 The only technology which has n't yet really blossomed in the page printer market is that of the inkjet and it is likely that this will replace the current 300dpi page printers in the not too distant future .
30 Still larger eddies extend across much of the flow and there will be appreciable variation of the mean shear within their length scale .
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