Example sentences of "[det] be a [noun sg] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This is a pity for his achievement in securing the crucial Committee vote deserves the members ' recognition for his astuteness .
2 Three things that we do decide I 've already said , whether you and I feel that this is a platform for you .
3 If this is a worry for you , it is important to find someone you can trust to talk to .
4 This is a privilege for which no legatee could hope , since if the heir took a fancy to property left by legacy , he could keep it on payment of a ( no doubt inflated ) valuation of its worth to the legatee .
5 This is a must for everybody with a home computer , and the one at work if your boss is away .
6 This is a must for anyone who wishes to go beyond the conventional limits accepted for the understanding of Italian Renaissance art .
7 This is a battle for me but I 've been brought up to battle .
8 Following last night 's 2–0 defeat by the USA he said : ‘ This is a battle for me , but I 've been brought up to battle .
9 This is a generation for whom the war years remain vivid and the Empire had real meaning .
10 This is a post for someone qualified in Community & Youth work with wide experience .
11 Referring to the American Airlines threat , a spokesman for the Department of Transport said : ‘ This is a matter for their own commercial judgment . ’
12 In most cases — and , of course , this is a matter for your judgement of circumstances — allow about ten seconds ; then you call it ‘ disobedience ’ .
13 This is a boon for anyone who is hypersensitive to the latter solvents .
14 This is a boon for anyone who is hypersensitive to the latter solvents .
15 This is a tragedy for our community . ’
16 This is a joke for you .
17 This is a time for you to test for yourself what truth there is in Schopenhauer 's doctrine …
18 Anne Boleyn gave a copy to Henry VIII , who declared appreciatively , ‘ This is a book for me and all Kings . ’
19 You know you are not wasting your time because this is a job for which you are genuinely suited and which you would like .
20 This is a job for your local builder if you 're not happy working up ladders .
21 His common sense told him that this was a girl for him , but that sophisticated vision of Julie Murchison kept blurring the scene .
22 I felt this was a rehearsal for my parting from Dana .
23 this was a chance for everybody around the Skegness
24 I felt this was a chance for me to put to rest one way or another this thing that had been nagging at me for such a long time . ’
25 This was a case for which a substantial punishment was called for , and in the absence of a plea of guilty , a sentence of detention under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 , S.53(2) of at least two years would have been called for .
26 This was a win for everybody here .
27 This was a joy for me as I had puzzled often on the jumble of tops visible from the A82 and in the mass of high peaks this area contains .
28 All this was a punishment for something I 'm still not sure about . ’
29 This was a lesson for me .
30 While underlining the right of the East Germans to opt for unity with their fellow Germans in the Federal Republic , Dr Kohl said this was a matter for their own free choice .
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