Example sentences of "[det] be [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Their fortunes will become more divided than before : some are waking up from the party with happier memories than others .
2 This is bound up with the content of suspended solids and can be estimated by matching samples against known standards of dispersed solids or more readily by direct measurement in an instrument such as the EEL Hazometer .
3 Erm this is bound up in the group 's quality system manual , which will be distributed to you on Monday .
4 All the intelligent pain of the victims , all the dreams of the unlistened to , all the entreating eyes : all this is swept up in the fierce rhythm of the hospital .
5 Amounts of toxic gases in our cities have already reached unacceptable levels and this is showing up in the big increases in respiratory illnesses .
6 This is backed up by the accounts we have of many aspects of the economic structure of the music business then : the drive for profit , the trend towards monopoly and conglomeration , the conservative appeal to the predictable and universally understood ( see for example , Peterson and Berger 1975 : 160–4 ; Laing 1969 : 43–5 ; Sanjek 1988 ) .
7 To an extent , this is backed up by the work of Renberg et al . ,
8 But the purpose of all this is summed up in the phrase : ‘ that we … might be for the praise of is glory ’ ( v 12 ) .
9 This is held up as the norm , even though only ‘ weak ’ characters follow these restrictions fully throughout their lives !
10 This is drawn up by the curriculum committee , which argues that since God , death , suffering and the purpose of life are all at the heart of religion , and since children sometimes ask questions about them , the class teacher should not only teach about these matters , but be subject both to assessment procedures and to official inspection .
11 The Officers are about to do a new review , and a the moment all costs of erm residents ' parking is borne centrally , and we the Conservatives think that if erm there was a charge on permits to cover the cost it would give a change to other areas of the City , and the majority of people would be prepared erm to pay , and I think this is coming up in the Officer 's Review .
12 This was made up of the organic residues of farms , forestry , industry and domestic refuse .
13 This was made up by the Head Girl mixing together oxide of zinc , glycerine , rosewater , a touch of yellow ochre and methylated spirits , the latter helping to dry it on the legs .
14 This was not designer stubble , this was getting up in the morning and not being bothered .
15 Shortly afterwards came the Chronica Gentis Scottorum of John of Fordun , again stressing the achievements of the Scots , and the villainy of Edward I. This was followed up in the early fifteenth century by the verse chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun , prior of Lochleven .
16 This was propped up against the body , on the front doorstep . ’
17 All this was mixed up with the newspapers and the money .
18 Its supporting declaration called for the creation of " independent organs of struggle based on the factories " , and this was taken up at the Workers Charter Convention held in Bermondsey on 12 April 1931 .
19 This was taken up by the Economic Section of the Cabinet ( under Meade ) which devised the Economic Survey : the expected level of output for the following year was predicted on the basis of the estimated changes over the present year in individual sectors of the economy .
20 Soon another change came as wrights and blacksmiths began to work locally and this was speeded up by the coming of industry attracted by the water power of the Water of Leith .
21 This was backed up by the famous John Peel Festive Fifty which was embarrassingly dominated by the band .
22 This was set up by the Fair Trade Foundation which you were asking about , .
23 One of the most controversial areas of GLC activity ( and this was picked up by the Tories in a party political broadcast as early as 1984 ) , was the Gay Teenage Group which had been set up by gay young men in 1976 .
24 Some of these are tied up with the conception of crime itself ; and will be dealt with in the next section .
25 In the case of Re C ( a Minor ) ( 1991 ) The Times , 18 November it was stated to be advisable , for example , for the Official Solicitor to continue to act as guardian in public law proceedings relating to a former ward of court where these are transferred up to the High Court .
26 Several of these were swept up into the state National Railways of Mexico in the early years of this century .
27 Most of these were set up in the early 1970s , often from existing sites rather than de novo .
28 His feelings about the latter are summed up in the phrase ‘ God does not play dice . ’
29 It 's all been mixed up with the
30 Well I mean , they 'll all be packed up in the bars upstairs would n't they , and everything
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