Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] she [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There were some risks to life and limb , however , over which she had no control ; how could she ever have guessed that she would outlive her son Robert by almost exactly 10 years ?
2 Having accepted that she must wear it , Alexandra then set herself to dress for the pleasure of the Rectory children , throwing good taste to the winds and insisting upon hanging herself with all that glittered from the jewel box Aunt Emily had left her , its rose suede depths heaped with treasures from Richard Talbot .
3 He seemed to take for granted that she would share his views on the derelicts .
4 Claudia had wanted more fittings and Dana had promised that she would fit them in , but time passed and the dress still hung , swathed in its wrappings , awaiting her pleasure .
5 At one time , even lately , she had thought that she could bear it , turning it all into pure love .
6 She dreaded the onset of winter , and on waking this morning she had thought that she could smell its breath in the air .
7 But she had thought that she could make something of him and that small semi-detached house outside Norwich represented nine months of hard work and achievement .
8 I rubbed the noses of one or two under the frowning suspicious gaze of Ms Brown who was not pleased to be told that she should let me in whenever I asked , eh ?
9 As a matter of honour , it was agreed that she should marry your father 's brother Luigi . ’
10 The emperor pronounced that a trust was due on these words as if , by prohibiting her from making a will , he had requested that she should make her brother heir : the wording is to be treated as if he had asked her to make over his estate .
11 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
12 She had worked for him and her mother in a variety of businesses and was always assured that she would inherit his estate when he died .
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