Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] he have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
2 It was claimed that he had confessed to spying for the US Central Intelligence Agency , but the US authorities had always denied that he had any official connections .
3 Clearly , there is an element of political value judgment in such decisions : in 1921 a judge held that reasonable citizens would not think less of a trade unionist if it were claimed that he had worked during a strike : some juries might reach a different decision today .
4 Some papers later reported that he had stopped for tea at the Ritz but this unlikely frivolity was angrily and officially denied .
5 More than one witness recalled that it gained height steadily after being launched on several occasions in 1848 , and Stringfellow himself certainly considered that he had demonstrated with it the possibility of powered flight .
6 However suspicious he was , he surely realised that he had agreed to this visit ?
7 He did so now , read it , and was so disturbed that he had to drop into Cat 's Coffee Shop to sit down .
8 In 1989 it was revealed that he had engaged in a homosexual relationship with Steven Gobie , whom he also hired as a personal aide and driver in 1985 .
9 In Right Said Fred 's first rush of press , it was said that he had played with ZZ Top but it was never quite specified how .
10 A few years later , a homosexual friend of Anne 's said that he had come across a man who looked like Dustin , who hung out in gay bars , telling everyone he was Dustin Hoffman .
11 It was said that he had arrived in the Discworld after some terrible and mysterious incident in another Eventuality .
12 He had thought that he had done with her long ago , had assumed that she had lost the power to hurt him .
13 After travelling to the little mining village and speaking to Brown 's mother , ‘ I then set out to find him , having been told that he had gone to the pit with a barrow to fetch some coal .
14 The coroner was told that he had drunk between twelve and sixteen pints of lager .
15 He says he 's shown that he has adapted to a lack of Oxygen .
16 I had not appreciated that he had moved in the Chamber .
17 She had assumed that he had come to Claudine as soon as he had finished chastising her , but clearly he had n't .
18 In his letter , Brig Cordy-Simpson said that since Gen Mladic had not replied to UN proposals on how the airlift would be managed , it was assumed that he had agreed to them .
19 Elizabeth never married but used her spinsterhood as a diplomatic bate — Robert Dudley , the Earl of Leicester , was very close and , after his death , his stepson , the Earl of Essex , became close , but he was executed for treason when it was learned that he had entered into a conspiracy .
20 However , the runner-up may have been an unlucky loser as it was later discovered that he had raced with a injured heel .
21 In testimony and published accounts he had insisted that he had argued against the proposition of selling arms to Iran and had believed that the idea had been abandoned .
22 The defendant , who gave evidence at the trial , also denied that he had confessed to Zaidie and further denied that he had ever made any threats against Paulette , as alleged by Zaidie and Matadial .
23 The reality represented the truth about movie-making itself , and a final shattering of all the illusions that had ever been presented to a cinema audience , for , seemingly , he had not realized that he had built into his masterpiece a piece of self-destruct mechanism .
24 Jesus has just stated that he had to go through great suffering ; to be rejected by the Jewish leaders ; and to be put to death and to rise again .
25 On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a very rare brain condition in which the thalamus progressively degenerated .
26 On being informed that he had called upon her husband , she said coldly ‘ Dr Heatherton is out .
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