Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] you [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Though your Majesty 's affections may be very well known as to religion , ’ he urged , ‘ yet it may be expected that you should say something for the world 's satisfaction . ’
2 ‘ It 's expected that you will get your hands dirty with ideas , ’ said a university spokesman .
3 Yeah and all you know things that it 's almost expected that you will understand what they mean .
4 ‘ Mr Jones , I 'm honoured that you should choose me , but I do feel there are others far more suited to take on the responsibility , people who 've worked in radio far longer than I have . ’
5 ‘ My dear officers , ’ said a rather breathless but still well modulated voice , ‘ of what am I accused that you should treat me like the nucleus of a civil rights demonstration ?
6 There 's no way I intend to let you out of this bed until you 've promised that you 'll marry me . ’
7 The same missive ( it has characteristic Mr Nice Guy touches like ‘ I hope I have shown that you can trust me in difficult times as well as easier ones ’ ) went to the deputy leader , Coun Bill Dixon .
8 You should have presumed that you 'd get it .
9 I had hoped that you might persuade him to help us again . ’
10 ‘ You 've made a success of your work , therefore I had assumed that you must enjoy it .
11 ‘ Madam , I confess myself deeply grieved that you should judge one an enemy who has ever served you and yours faithfully and to the utmost of his ability , ’ he said sorrowfully — and the prince , watching the scene with avid interest , expected to see tears well from his eyes .
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