Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Affectivity is only incomprehensible if it is expected that emotions can be translated into thoughts with a proposition contained within them .
2 In the leadership elections scheduled for mid-February 1992 it was expected that Peres would be challenged by Rabin .
3 Even the most cursory of examinations of the minutes of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party indicates the feverish activity which was occurring in the immediate post-war years and , in these early days , it was to be expected that mistakes would be made and that new directions would be sought .
4 Apple Computer Inc is teaming up with trading house Uchida Yoko Co Ltd to expand its business with Japanese schools , Reuter reports from Tokyo : Uchida , which specialises in office equipment and school supplies , aims to sell 3,000 Macintosh personal computers to schools in the year from July , taking advantage of the fact that in Japan 's supplementary budget unveiled in April , the government plans to increase spending on computers for schools and other public bodies — it is expected that $1,800m will be devoted to buying over 300,000 machines for schools by 1996 , with NEC Corp and Fujitsu Ltd , the latter with its FM Towns multimedia box seen as the main beneficiaries .
5 With allocation of places based ever more firmly around the notion of parental choice , it was expected that schools would be forced to raise their standards to meet the qualitative expectations of parents .
6 In a similar way in suprasegmental phonology it is claimed that utterances may be divided up into tone-units , and that one can identify on phonetic or phonological grounds the places where one tone-unit ends and another tone-unit begins .
7 Coming from a country where the use of the appropriate word is more important than a gesture in daily life , both choreographers have resolved that words must be replaced by gestures within the choreographic design .
8 On Aug 5. it was reported that Djoussouf would be arrested and the MDP banned , however , this was not confirmed .
9 The views of centres are therefore being sought on the year in which it is considered that candidates could be enrolled on new-style courses , for those courses which are not the subject of national development of units .
10 It is recommended that hose-reels should be provided when appropriate and sited so as to be able to be deployed effectively on the lower levels of all racked or stacked materials and to provide consistent cover to the floor area of the building .
11 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
12 I have decided that Rentokil should be given the contract on the basis outlined in your very comprehensive proposal document .
13 The Iraqis moved armour into positions south of Basrah to block the more obvious of these steps and the Iranians evidently decided that Kuwait could be attended to some other time .
14 The Home Office has now decided that places should be provided but that the Department of Health and the Welsh Office must find the money .
15 South African government sources were reported to have hinted that Thatcher might be called upon to help negotiators reach a constitutional settlement , although it was unclear what role she might have .
16 Referring to " President Bush 's own misconduct " in the matter , Walsh also hinted that Bush might be required to submit to questioning in connection with the affair .
17 Even if they are able to find employment or occupation , it is not felt that families should be forced to provide a home for their handicapped son or daughter until they are too old to do so , or that this is necessarily the best thing for the development of a mentally handicapped adult who could derive considerable stimulation and benefit from living apart from their family .
18 But generally it was felt that mothers could be relied upon to exert themselves on behalf of their children and that mismanagement resulted more from ignorance than from vice .
19 It was clearly felt that PAF should be regarded entirely as an automatic fee in recognition of a teacher qualified and belonging to a professional Society .
20 Finally , it is felt that bolts should be located to ensure minimum visual impact and should be placed using current best practices .
21 It is generally accepted that aims should be reviewed ( even if this does not result in alteration ) every four years .
22 The parents ' right to dispose of their child overrode considerations of the child 's own rights : it was accepted that children should be put in care while the parents made up their minds whether to relinquish them or not .
23 A government lawyer has said that charges will be filed in four or five months .
24 I pointed out at the beginning that the Lindop committee had said that suspicions should be dealt with differently .
25 ( At the talks the MNR had said that cities should be excluded from the corridors and remain at war . )
26 In 1988 the District Council , responsible for maintainance of pathways , had said that improvements could be made if ‘ Spokes ’ , the Lothians cycle campaign , would supply voluntary labour .
27 In Perkins v Jeffrey [ 1915 ] , 5 KB 702 it was said that evidence could be called to prove a similar course of conduct towards other females where a defence of accident or mistake is put forward .
28 In the universities competitive bidding is to apply to all student places , although the Council has said that institutions will be protected from sudden and drastic cuts in funding as a result of unsuccessful bidding .
29 He appeared to consider her proposals trifling and moreover he had ignored Whitbread 's own orders , and had said that prostitutes should be isolated from other patients .
30 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
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