Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , IBM was expected to come forward as a Wabi development partner , like USL , which would automatically make it eligible for SunSelect 's most favourable pricing schedule ( UX No 432 ) .
2 However IBM was expected to come forward as a Wabi development partner , like Unix Labs , which would automatically make it eligible for SunSelect 's most favourable pricing schedule .
3 By the end of this month manufacturing capacity is expected to increase three-fold as a result , according to sales and marketing director Joe Weston .
4 The rapid growth experienced by the major industrialized countries in 1988 slowed in 1989 , and was expected to moderate further as a whole in 1990 following the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq in August , which exerted pressure on oil prices and international financial markets .
5 How could a discrepancy between the actual and the natural unemployment rates be made to persist simply as a result of the actions of the monetary and fiscal authorities ?
6 Largely at the instigation of Apollinaire , Salmon and Allard , the painters had decided to show together as a group .
7 He may begin as a standard-bearer and allow himself to be persuaded to go forward as a contender . ’
8 So long as the broad configuration of the economy remains capitalist , with enterprises producing commodities for profit , ‘ Industrial Democracy , is bound to function merely as a means of incorporating workers , representatives into a capitalistic rationality .
9 Saturday might begin by dividing the participants into small groups of three or four , each composed of people from different communities so that everybody will be encouraged to work together as a team rather than rely on ‘ traditional ’ dominant group-leaders .
10 In war , skirmishes and battles were won by knights who had learned to fight together as a unit , not by displays of individual prowess .
11 We are now just as determined to move upwards as a university at the forefront of high quality research , contributing to knowledge and understanding relevant to the needs of society .
12 expenditure on the military has begun to rise again as a proportion of GDP .
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