Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They had come to see the show and my guilt for neglecting them afterwards was eased by Pam and Kath , also at the show this evening , who entertained them in my absence .
2 The pages should be reduced and photographed in columns into the microfiche matrix , the top row of which is reserved so that legible headings or titles can be added to identify the microfiche when it is produced .
3 ‘ No member of the staff was permitted to leave the building unless he had telephoned Chapman 's office at six o'clock and enquired : ‘ Is it all right for me to go now , Mr Chapman ? ’
4 And slicing away one part of , transferring the spinal unit , just taking out bits and pieces , is designed to weaken the idea that itself can stand on its own .
5 This latest leak might have been designed to expose the Chancellor but it has instead exposed the extremely lax security of Britain 's banks and credit card companies .
6 Mr Delors is expected to develop the theme when he gives a speech to the College of Europe in Bruges in 10 days .
7 At Omsk he was not permitted to photograph the station because its front had been removed .
8 All the children were expected to learn an instrument as they became old enough and were taught by talented Salvationists free of charge .
9 By section 56 , Acme was permitted to transfer the software because there were no express terms in the licence agreement prohibiting this , but it should have transferred all copies of WORDY .
10 The movements were and still are practised because they are designed to display the body as it moves to the best advantage from the audience 's point of view .
11 ‘ A unique feature of our Video Courses is that they are designed to tell a picture-story and we feel this is why Arune was able to learn so quickly .
12 The Festival of Britain , 1951 , was designed to tell the world that we were back in business , full of vim and zip , bursting with new ideas , new teeth in the new bulldog , through another war with honour and into the second half of the twentieth century with eagerness and confidence .
13 He must n't be expected to make an effort when he does n't feel like it , he must n't risk being hemmed in or bored , but everyone has to be ever so careful of his feelings , poor sensitive soul , and when he wants a good fuck he comes to obliging loving little Ruth because he can relieve himself and have his morale boosted without having to do a damned thing about it but get himself into your bed . ’
14 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
15 It implies describing carefully the nature , extent and implications of any problems prior to intervention ; saying what it is you might do to alter these and why it would be beneficial to try ; describing how best this might be brought about ; saying in advance what kinds of public test might be applied to support the view that something worthwhile has been achieved ; pursuing a solution , and then defending the results against criticism from peers ( Sheldon , 1986 , p. 224 ) .
16 What happened was that we began to do all kinds of things that are normally done to support a tour that you farm out , but we used to do it in-house , so we had our own publicity department , our own travel department — we booked our own flights and our own hotels , we did n't use a travel agency .
17 Firstly , it viewed the company as distinct from its shareholders and therefore , unlike the contractual model , it could be seen to support the theory that it was the company which was liable for any debts .
18 No attempt had been made to secure the tape and its existence was never revealed to the Crown Prosecution Service .
19 Preparations were being made to evacuate the farm as I picked up my rucksack , slung it over my shoulder , and joined the others outside on the road .
20 Simple instances , on the other hand , are those in which the clause seems to have been adopted to cover the eventuality that there may be some defect in the will so far as the civil law is concerned .
21 The relationship between parish boundaries and water mill sites is an interesting one , since special arrangements are frequently made to incorporate a mill and its water courses within a particular land unit .
22 A possible scenario is that he had turned to leave the church when he was attacked from behind . ’
23 To begin with the players were seen to undermine the idea that one 's identity and place were a function of what one essentially was — what God had made one .
24 The eldest was made to use a toothbrush after it had been put in the toilet .
25 As the wind continues to rise it is decided to postpone the operation until it moderates — too many men 's fingers and hands at stake !
26 Four years ago seven leading men threatened to boycott the event because they considered the prize money too low .
27 Four years ago seven leading men threatened to boycott the event because they considered the prize money too low .
28 It would allow contingency plans to be made to protect the public and it would apply just as much to a series of one-day strikes as a set-piece conflict .
29 Mr Field has previously threatened to force a byelection if he won a majority of the individual votes .
30 The teachers who were selected to teach the smoking and me project were required to attend a one day training seminar which familiarised them with the project guide and the group leader approach to teaching .
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