Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] i [verb] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
2 With the onset in the later stages of unmistakable labour pains in my lower abdomen all doubts were resolved and I knew I had to do something about it .
3 I rushed him to hospital and the doctor asked how it was done and I said he 'd fallen over on the step .
4 ‘ It 's done and I hope he likes it , ’ Finlayson told the adjutant .
5 I want a job done and I want it done properly .
6 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
7 Horbury , 55 , said : ‘ I 'm sure Daniel will never forgive me for what I 've done but I hope he does . ’
8 long time for dialects to be accepted but I think I think that boundary is giving way
9 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
10 Erm I said well yeah he said every day you been saying er I 've been asking you what appointments have you got and I said I 've got two this afternoon and two tomorrow morning .
11 where 's the beef ? so , so I 'm dubious about this in terms of quality of nutrition , in terms of choice being offered and I think we need to look a lot more closely at this before we jump into agreement , change or in the system .
12 ‘ People are commenting on the spirit we have shown but I think we have also played some good football . ’
13 Only three boys understood and I got them to explain in Arabic to the rest .
14 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
15 Yeah , you 're right , and that 's what I 'm saying , they have tried and I think they 've let Gorbachev down .
16 He was a Scotsman depending San Francisco and er situation that what you described but we were handing out food at Christmas Eve to people and people were coming up and er for their own proud they were saying things like I 'm a vegetarian or I do n't eat cheese pasties that was the case that was the only thing you had left but I mean it makes me really angry that we did not have this situation ten or twelve years ago .
17 ‘ She was complaining at not being able to get through because my number was engaged and I said I 'd been talking to you .
18 It can always be changed but I mean you 've got the , got the lamp this side , and the barbecue .
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