Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [noun pl] [vb mod] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One can easily understand this viewpoint since the potential of children has to be maximised and parents should be allowed to consider the ideal outcomes of their efforts .
2 The entrance charges to the beach are included and sun-beds can be hired there .
3 He had been asked to make savings of £440,000 over the next three years but says , without more money , police vacancies will be frozen and jobs will be lost .
4 The worst affected areas are to be targeted and farms will be inspected regularly .
5 The resources , powers and energies of older people need to be positively harnessed and policies should be geared to sustaining their independence for as long as possible .
6 There would be a drastic reduction in spending , the tax base would be broadened and measures would be taken against tax evasion .
7 The speculum is a metal or plastic device , which keeps the walls of the vagina ( which are normally in close apposition ) apart so that the cervix can be seen and samples can be taken accurately .
8 During the day , the Acropolis is not to be missed and souvenirs can be bartered for in the Flea market .
9 The views of councillors , officers , members of the public and the ombudsmen themselves will be sought and practices will be examined to see how far general principles emerge and how far recommendations for some improvement in the current situation might be possible .
10 Again , no time limit was prescribed and pupils could be helped with reading difficulties .
11 If eligible for an award from an appropriate grant awarding authority or if fees are being paid by an employer , a letter of authority must be produced or fees must be paid in full at the time of enrolment .
12 Summon help at once , and inform senior staff so that anyone concerned can be told and formalities can be arranged with relatives who may not be present , the GP , a funeral director and an appropriate religious representative .
13 Each section would grab its particular portion of what was called the " Y " Form , the gunners would be briefed and tactics would be discussed .
14 On the other hand the research showed that training could be valued and programmes could be maintained , if certain characteristics were in evidence .
15 Again standard forms can be used and copies should be sent to all interested parties .
16 Profits need not necessarily be pooled but expenses could be shared and administration streamlined , the goodwill attaching to the firm-name being preserved .
17 Most are commissioned but proposals can be made in advance to the News and Views Editor .
18 Some are commissioned but suggestions can be made to the Commentary Editor in the form of one-page synopsis .
19 From time to time other sections may be needed but lists can be made up as and when they are required for specific projects .
20 AIRLINES could save millions , motorway signs could be more efficiently lit and bags could be sealed without the need for adhesive thanks to new technology to put microscopic grooves and markings on a surface .
21 Multi-agency case conferences should be convened and parents should be invited to attend and permitted to participate in the decision-making process .
22 Regular review sessions will be held to enable the students to identify the learning gained and students will be asked to carefully monitor their own progress .
23 Relating the libraries by hybridising clones from one library onto another has a twofold advantage — the maps can be unified and probes can be chosen to close gaps as economically as possible .
24 Group work and team work skills will be emphasised and students will be encouraged to express their personal feelings and reactions to the residential experience .
25 There are bound to be dangers where poisonous liquids are involved and children should be kept under close control .
26 However , in practice these are often blurred and cases can be brought on a mixture of grounds .
27 The use of the airbrakes during the final turn should be discussed and pilots should be encouraged to try it if they are too high .
28 A call for papers has been issued and abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible .
29 The leader announced at the beginning that complete freedom of speech was allowed but speeches must be kept short .
30 Such a commentary can be recorded or notes can be taken directly by the analyst .
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