Example sentences of "[vb pp] [art] [noun] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it was surely too much to hope that it had taught the father a permanent lesson .
2 Together they had painted the town a decorous shade of palest pink , dancing at Le Bal Anglais , or was it Mimi Pinson , necking in other people 's rooms , walking the streets of Paris , hand in hand during one timeless and unforgettable spring .
3 I would argue that the introduction of literate/pre-literate as the criterion for making such a division has given the tradition a new lease of life just as it was wilting under the powerful challenge of recent work in social anthropology , linguistics and philosophy .
4 ‘ Then ’ in 1960–3 , eighteen years ago ; and in the meantime , apart from summarising my reflections and discoveries before they passed from my memory in a slim volume entitled Medicine and politics , I have done what most ex-ministers do when they have a left most departments — given the subject a wide berth .
5 He had paid off the taxi , had given the driver a generous extra to drop his suitcase at the Hilton in Park Lane .
6 In my review of the 3500 head , it was mentioned that Hartke had given the amp a no-nonsense look , and I would re-iterate that opinion here .
7 Given the performance a truer reflection of the game would have been a 6–0 win to Leeds .
8 Joyce and his kind had given the Communists a ready argument for enlisting working-class Jews in an anti-Fascist crusade .
9 The chairman of the SLORC , Saw Maung , had on Oct. 18 given the monks a three-day ultimatum to end their protest or face " serious consequences " .
10 So it looks as though the Government has given the council a cautious go-ahead to draw up a scheme if not to beat the Tay , then to lessen the disastrous effects another flood would have on the long suffering Perthshire population .
11 Come the following Sunday , therefore , I returned to the site alone and noticed that my friends had indeed given the field a careful search , for much of the soil was flattened by footprints .
12 The woman had lashed out in fear and given the bird a fatal blow , feathers everywhere .
13 The directors of the company have given the Panel a written assurance that the company 's 1991 accounts will meet the requirements in full and the Panel has decided to take no further action .
14 But Caro could n't help feeling snubbed that her mother had not given the lettuce a little squeeze , to see how good and hearty it was , or commented on the size and perfect shape of the radishes .
15 But dentists in the NorthEast said the delay had only given the profession a short breathing space .
16 Sandy had given the boat a hefty kick before collapsing on the beach in stitches . ’
17 Some anti 's , as with most extremist groups , have given the movement a bad name by their own aggressive and violent behaviour .
18 While the statutory grounds of attack do not specifically mention error of law on the face of the record , later courts have given the formula a broad interpretation .
19 But at the same time he totally disagrees with the way she has given the banks a free hand to put resources behind new ‘ non-industries ’ such as the service industries , and concentrate economic wealth in the south .
20 The couple thought they had done the right thing by paying £140 for a house-buyer 's survey , which had given the house a clean bill of health with only some minor exceptions .
21 He is also a noted expert on financial matters , and tonight he has given the House a clear explanation of complex proposals .
22 The Hawick mills were suffering so much from a lack of orders in the second half of 1991 that JR , a regional councillor for the town , lambasted his colleagues for not doing their bit by sporting the jumpers that have given the Borders a worldwide reputation .
23 ‘ Electability ’ has been the watchword , and Mr Clinton will be at pains to fend off the ‘ special interest groups ’ — militant blacks , gays , feminists , welfare-wafflers , anti-military isolationists — who have given the party a bad name among ‘ ordinary folks ’ .
24 One of the miners , Jim Hunter , said last night that it had given the men a tremendous boost .
25 He felt he might even have given the captain a good run for his money if it had n't been for the damn man 's obvious advantage of height and weight .
26 She said that the radical changes in eastern Europe had given the organization a new lease of life as a potential " pan-European forum of the democracies " .
27 This applied in particular to the Prior , Father Stephen Bedale , a man of huge stature and extrovert character , and the kind of man who , had he been a layman , might have given the poet a hearty slap on the back in the belief that this would make him feel at home .
28 Camden and Islington councils , meanwhile , have given the Met a free copy of LAFIS — a computer programme which they developed at a cost of £15 million , and sold to other authorities for about £2 million a throw .
29 Apart from whether or not these exercises are effective ( they are certainly found to be enjoyable and relaxing by many pupils ) , they have given the teacher a secure base from which to work , for the teacher can be very much in charge , dictating the choice of exercise , controlling the length of time for each , selecting the background music where felt to be appropriate or even dictating the moment-to-moment activity within the experience .
30 A traditionally minded bishop had given the advertisements a welcome boost by complaining in the pulpit and in The Times that the campaign glorified adultery as well as Trumper 's Tea Bags .
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