Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a large [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 The contents are then sucked into a large tank on a trailer , which is taken to a local refuse treatment works , where it is emptied and thoroughly cleaned .
2 Domes like Santiaguito often develop within the crater walls of an older volcano — Santiaguito itself is nested inside a large crater on the flanks of a volcano called Santa Maria .
3 Against a background of rising unemployment and deepening recession , blamed to a large extent on economic mismanagement by Tories in London , some feared John Major 's staunch defence of the Union could only drive more voters to Labour and the Liberal Democrats , both promising a Scottish Parliament .
4 The centre , I saw briefly , was occupied by a large boat on blocks , its superstructure covered with lightweight grey plastic sheeting .
5 Rafael Eitan resigned as Minister of Agriculture on Dec. 24 in protest at Likud 's opposition to proposals for the direct election of the Prime Minister ; the Likud central committee had voted by a large majority on Dec. 23 against the direct election of the Prime Minister .
6 The Tweede Kamer , the lower house of the Netherlands parliament , voted by a large majority on Jan. 31 to instruct the government to reopen negotiations .
7 The decision was clearly a surprise to him , for in the current issue of the LTA 's own magazine , photographs of both Jeremy and Jo are , as British team members , featured in a large article on the Olympic Games , which now becomes meaningless .
8 Fold-up furniture can either be stacked neatly in one place , hung from a large hook on a wall or stashed away out of sight when it is n't in use .
9 She was sitting before a mirror that was propped against a large pan on the stove .
10 Therefore , the treatment approach is based to a large extent on the principles of crisis intervention ( Caplan 1964 ; Brandon 1979 ; Ewing 1978 ; Bancroft 1979 ) .
11 More specifically , the rise of the Labour Party in Preston was based to a large extent on the ways in which forms of skill structured certain capacities for political action , in which gender solidarity affected political forms , and in which the social structure determined class alliances ( pp 40–1 ) .
12 When we focus on differences between Japan and the West it has been common to paint pictures based to a large extent on our general impression of how relations at work offer such sharply contrasting attitudes to work .
13 In the end , William 's invasion manifesto , which was based to a large extent on a draft sent to him from England by Danby , emphasised grievances that had a special appeal for Anglicans and Tories .
14 Evidence of the lipstick could also be seen on the butts of several cigarettes which lay crushed in a large ashtray on the table .
15 Before we move on , it is worth noticing that just as the debate about the Bible rested to a large extent on a rather dubious notion of what kind of authority was in question , so too the argument about miracles was one in which both sides generally shared an equally questionable concept .
16 This had ominous implications for a party whose political strength in the 1980s had rested to a large extent on its competence in managing economic prosperity .
17 Most had nothing at all to say about it and those that did comment relied to a large extent on a discourse and terminology borrowed from the ‘ agenda setting nexus ’ of mainstream criticism .
18 The ‘ politics ’ of the motor car throughout the inter-war years depended to a large extent on the vigorous leadership given by the private motorists ' main organization , the Automobile Association .
19 In other areas , however , land could be used for arable , arable and pasture , pasture , or wood , and how it was used depended to a large extent on the proximity of settlements and in what sort of economy the local farmers were engaged .
20 But , as with most of the Eliot jokes ( of which there were an increasing number and an accumulating apocrypha ) , the humour in the retailing depended to a large extent on reproducing the low-pitched Eliot drawl , a last relic no doubt of his southern accent .
21 Those who have lived with a large refrigerator on board their yacht in sunnier climes will remember what a bother it is to have to run the engine for an hour every day to keep the drinks cold and the food fresh .
22 They consisted of an elaborate sequence of libations poured into a large vessel on an altar between two double-axes mounted on painted pyramidal bases ; grave-goods were dedicated to the sheepskin-draped statue of a god in front of another altar ; offerings of food and drink were dedicated at a third altar set up in front of a sacred tree shrine ; music was played and an ox and two goats were sacrificed .
23 This can be cooked in a large pan on top of the oven or in a casserole in the oven .
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