Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] his [noun pl] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Crown 's case against L was that it could be inferred that the stolen property had come to his premises with his knowledge and by prior arrangement and therefore was in his control and possession ; and that he was therefore guilty of burglary or handling .
2 I wonder if Tod 's new interest in women is a professional interest , connected to his dealings with them at AMS : his custodial scrutiny of disturbed or distempered female flesh .
3 His young boss was catching the little animals and handing them to Rory who held them upside down , gripped between his thighs with their legs apart , and as I quickly incised the scrotums and drew out the testicles my blade almost touched the rough material of his trouser crutch .
4 Now he knew that it had been a diversion , designed to hold his gaze so that he would be disadvantaged in his dealings with her .
5 He could not walk erect , and invariably crouched on his heels with his knees drawn up to his chin , and he existed on meal pottage fed to him by a spoon by his mother .
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