Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] his [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He died in Battlesden 4 March 1687 and was succeeded in his estates by his son William ( c .1647–1704 ) whose undistinguished career in Parliament and administration was a paler shadow of his own .
2 The Crown 's case against L was that it could be inferred that the stolen property had come to his premises with his knowledge and by prior arrangement and therefore was in his control and possession ; and that he was therefore guilty of burglary or handling .
3 No word has been said about his fears for his sons .
4 Somehow she 'd crept through his defences without him realising .
5 Truro museum also preserves some of the pencil portraits made of his hosts during his pathetic latter days .
6 Even when he had clear sight of goal , England 's number two goalkeeper saved with his legs from his 44th minute close-range cracker .
7 He moved to the small table , put down his glass and searched in his pockets for his cigarettes .
8 Furthermore , in a discussion filled with oblique references to the O'Keeffe that Stieglitz had revealed in his photographs of her , he made it clear that he agreed with Stieglitz that O'Keeffe 's paintings were revelations of the female sexual nature :
9 Ronni also understood now that hurt look she 'd sometimes seen in his eyes during his angry exchanges with Silvia .
10 I wonder if Tod 's new interest in women is a professional interest , connected to his dealings with them at AMS : his custodial scrutiny of disturbed or distempered female flesh .
11 In 1987 the University of Wales Press published a collection of essays written by his admirers in his honour .
12 Craved for his eyes in its solitude .
13 Darwin himself often reflected in his notebooks on his new programme 's presuppositions concerning God , nature , man and science .
14 He grew a real beard , which would incommode him for other parts ; he thought , behaved , responded Learwise , in as short-sighted a fashion as that monarch would have done , having handed on his characteristics to his youngest daughter .
15 The results of the 19 in-depth Case Studies extracted from the interviews indicate that the micro-computer has a role to play in supporting farm managers and his software needs may be described as being the areas of normal productivity tools plus some system of integrating the information systems used by his advisers into his own farm system .
16 His young boss was catching the little animals and handing them to Rory who held them upside down , gripped between his thighs with their legs apart , and as I quickly incised the scrotums and drew out the testicles my blade almost touched the rough material of his trouser crutch .
17 Edwards ' racism towards Indians is inexcusable , but he is tied to his feelings for his abducted niece .
18 His eyes were dark with fear , his hands , bound at his sides like her own , twitched convulsively , the fingers shaking uncontrollably .
19 According to this thesis , the wealthy peasant has no reason to rebel and the poor landless peasant is limited in his actions by his dependence on a landowner .
20 This is John Fisher , who is remembered for his disputes in his latter years and finally his execution in London by order of Henry VIII .
21 She clung on desperately for reprieve , but none came ; he would n't stop , his mouth burning down over hers while he pinned her wrists to the bed , driven beyond his limits by her refusal , and she felt her breasts against his chest , her eyes open , seeing his face , hearing his hoarse breathing , the way he drew air into his lungs raggedly before lowering his head to kiss her again , his heart beating and his black hair tousled and his tie pulled loose in the scuffle …
22 He used to conduct what came to be known among his fellow-scientists as his " Gedanken " ( thought ) experiments .
23 In any case , he recognized the success of Dej 's gambit and made it his own after 1964.4 In fact , when Khruschev was toppled by Brezhnev in the autumn of 1964 , three counts in the lengthy criticism of his methods that was levelled at Khruschev by the new Soviet leadership referred to his errors in his dealings with the Romanians .
24 The dog Hector , seated on his haunches beside them , glanced from one to the other in mute puzzlement .
25 Indeed , on Saturday afternoon , as he had relaxed with his team-mates at their hotel hideaway he had confided : ‘ I 'm due to score , I want to score , I feel it in my bones that I will score . ’
26 He might not have meant to be comforting , but she felt a flood of warmth ; energy passed from his fingers to hers like a life-force and Jenna did n't know what to say .
27 Now he knew that it had been a diversion , designed to hold his gaze so that he would be disadvantaged in his dealings with her .
28 He could not walk erect , and invariably crouched on his heels with his knees drawn up to his chin , and he existed on meal pottage fed to him by a spoon by his mother .
29 He wanted it as his epitaph and left it in a letter passed to his parents on his death .
30 By then , however , having sent off his pictures for his New York exhibition , and faced with having to paint more for his Lefevre show , he thought a visit to Paris in order .
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