Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] by [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Stokoe and Kuschel list was developed for use by anthropologists on field work , and also does not include items relevant to deaf culture .
2 Designed for use by engineers on PCs or workstations , its graphical interfaces enable problems to be set up and analysed rapidly .
3 a helmet of a type manufactured for use by persons on motor cycles which by virtue of its shape , material and construction could reasonably be expected to afford to persons on motor bicycles a degree of protection from injury in the event of an accident similar to or greater than that provided by the helmet of a type complying with one of the specifications referred to in the preceding subparagraph ; and
4 Non-availability is an idea deeply embedded in the Christian tradition of celibacy ; though for too long now it has been seen as renunciation by men of sinful life , rather than as a radical statement by women .
5 They may be adopted with confidence by retailers of any size , private training providers including government contractors and colleges of further education .
6 Haig was saved from dismissal by defenders on the Unionist side , but Robertson 's removal caused a small stir , and Unionists voted in force to save Lloyd George 's face in the Maurice debate .
7 St George 's Market ( 1896 ) handsome redbrick buildings — may now be saved from ruin by proposals for restoration
8 Three Israeli factory workers were stabbed to death by members of the Islamic fundamentalist Hamas movement in the Tel Aviv suburb of Jaffa on Dec. 14 .
9 Roads were turned to mud by days of rain and Fiorio had the additional hardship of a bubbling radiator to contend with .
10 If Italian politicians can not be moved to action by protests from within their own country , it is up to us outside Italy to turn on the pressure in the world media .
11 Thus I am dangerously near looking for the ready made composition that has been done to death by generations of landscape painters .
12 After a successful rescue the small party is relentlessly pursued by the Viet Cong , but they are airlifted to safety by helicopters of the Air Cavalry .
13 France has introduced regulations on the protection of water supplied from pollution by nitrates from agricultural use .
14 Hawke achieved a further personal triumph on Oct. 31 when most of his plans for constitutional and structural reform were approved in principle by representatives of the country 's eight state and territory governments .
15 He was so tired he had to be hauled to safety by members of the public .
16 She was being shepherded to safety by police after the first blast when the second bomb exploded just 50 ft away .
17 22 year old Katherine Monastyrskaya managed to struggle to a road where she was helped to hospital by passers by .
18 Her activities were at first regarded with suspicion by headmistresses of local schools , so , to placate those who did not outright forbid their pupils to attend , she described her lessons as rhythmic exercises to music .
19 He saw that these tasty species were treated with respect by predators as if they too were distasteful to eat .
20 Meanwhile the adverse economic repercussions , especially for Jordan , Egypt and Turkey , were offset in part by promises of financial assistance , but the position for Jordan in particular was much aggravated by the refugee crisis caused by the displacement of hundreds of thousands of foreign workers from Kuwait and Iraq .
21 This may well have been the case in September 1987 but I thought most reviewers were scared to dive in and uncover the record 's moments of uncoordinated parody for fear of being trampled to death by hordes of rampant Smiths devotees .
22 He was murdered ; kicked to death by policemen with size 10 boots .
23 Bruce Harris says : ‘ Can you imagine what would happen if a 13 year old boy was kicked to death by policemen in London ?
24 Three people charged in connection with an alleged plot to launder more than £16m from the £26m Brink's-Mat gold bullion raid six years ago were remanded in custody by magistrates at Horseferry Road Court , London .
25 Electrician Savas Tevfik , 23 , of Herne Hill , south London , was remanded in custody by magistrates in Camber-well .
26 Few species have adapted so closely to their particular rivers as caddisflies , stoneflies , and mayflies , which , in their turn , have been cunningly imitated for bait by generations of fishermen .
27 The size of the " yes " vote was greeted with delight by officials in both republics .
28 In the former , he will find services provided in house by members of the National Union of Public Employees at extremely high cost and of poor quality .
29 Appeals could be heard and judicial enquiries set in motion by bodies outside the duchy .
30 Trespassers and vandals just do not expect to be brought to book by passengers on a train .
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