Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He complained that his design had been criticized for deficient lighting but he had shown the Committee that his windows were larger than those in sixteen or seventeen well-known classical buildings in London .
2 The advent of the National Curriculum makes it imperative that much closer curricular links are developed between secondary schools and their feeder primaries in order that continuity and progression can be ensured .
3 The relationships formed between pregnant women and their obstetricians are complex .
4 Dismissing the taxpayers ' appeals , Lord Justice Nourse said that the ordinary meaning of ‘ release ’ comprehended both a release given for full consideration and one given gratuitously , or for less than full consideration , and there was no warrant for putting the limitation , as contended by the tax-payers , on the word ‘ releases ’ in s 287(1) .
5 I do n't know who or what Wide Awake heard during that week but it certainly did n't originate in the Lower Ormeau .
6 Six seconds of fame after hours of queueing for this fan of a fan THE Lamports had queued for four hours before they were interviewed for the Antiques .
7 Some additional information has emerged but , unfortunately , mouse chromosomes have not responded well to the high resolution techniques developed for human chromosomes and it is only recently that a higher resolution idiogram has been published ( 14 ) .
8 However , many were referred for compulsory admission where they were subsequently not admitted , or admitted informally .
9 Thirteen patients were referred for this treatment as they were considered unsuitable for conventional cholecystectomy either on account of age ( n=4 , range 79–86 years ) or serious medical problems ( n=9 , range 72–78 years ) including one patient ( X ) who was on the waiting list for a heart transplant .
10 What the Aplysia group needed was some process in their favoured animal which could be unequivocally recognized as long-term memory and whose circuitry could be studied in a similar manner to that they had so effectively employed with the short-term processes ; hence the attention paid in the early 1980s to finding an analogue of classical conditioning of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex .
11 Because clearly in in debating this policy I think a number of the districts have also raised diff different points of interest in terms of what should be recognized as exceptional development and we we went down that that road a couple of years ago and unfortunately the districts came to the conclusion that it was n't appropriate to try and list the exceptional circumstances .
12 This method has been taught for many years and I do not think that pilots who have learned to do it this way need bother to change .
13 Five Highers , Jordanhill , married in the University Chapel to an awful nice electrical engineer who would n't say boo , taught for two years till she got her parchment before starting a family .
14 Mr George Daszczuk was pinned to the ground and mauled for 15 minutes as he was set upon by the two dogs , which had chewed their way through the wooden door of a garage they were guarding .
15 Lurpak is made from cream which is ripened for 24 hours before it is churned , a process which imparts its distinctive flavour , and it is subject to rigorous independent testing at every stage of production .
16 Nearly half those who killed themselves were suffering from mental illness , most of those were being treated for those problems when they died .
17 She perceives the symbolism underlying stories from a mythology which can be regarded as patriarchal propaganda and she deconstructs established meanings to effect a shift in emphasis .
18 Anemones are mainly plankton feeders and fish are not regarded as potential prey so there is no loss to the anemone in keeping all fish at bay by adopting such a strategy .
19 In so far as sexual stimulation is generally geared towards sexual intercourse , the purpose of their violent activity may well be regarded as sexual intercourse where there is evidence that this subsequently took place .
20 In the other case the husband of a client asked to have the support worker withdrawn after four months because he felt that his wife suspected him of having an affair with the support worker .
21 Rory told Jessica about his girlfriend Rosie , not a great deal but nothing too disloyal , while she for her part realised after some moments that she was not listening with more than half an ear , but wondering what she should tell him about Parr .
22 He had n't done anything illegal , just tipped off some killers where their prey was , and there 's no law against that .
23 All plant has been specifically designed for multi-purpose usage so it can be easily adapted to many different chemical processes , enabling Fluka to adopt a versatile and flexible approach not only to production but also to specific customer developments in which they are actively seeking to become involved .
24 The Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1976 is not designed for that purpose and it is dubious whether it could be used in that way .
25 Most of our caravans are designed for more persons than our description but we only allow that number stated .
26 And , of course , Rune Christensen had never supposed for one moment that his orders would be forgotten or disobeyed !
27 erm fucking indoor murder ball , the seat , cushion and stuff like that , its fucking well out of order piss up games oh that 's right I think we played in , I think we played , you know that British bull dog thing ? , we managed to clear all the fucking the nappy chair this and the chairs out the way , we were playing this British bull dog sort of thing and the only thing , the only , the only difference was when you got caught , got , everybody was fucking giving you a few thumps in the arm , for good measure like , and we played about four of this and every time this cocky little son of a bitch did n't get caught , he was always the last person , so we fucking said , we said , me and this other guy 's that are in our troop and that er , we said right we 'll get him , so when , when everybody sort of go for it right just after the one person in the middle , said fucking just get this guy and fucking pin him down and do something to him right , we did n't , I think we said we 'd just get him , yeah that 's a good idea , so he 's gone right go and his mate he 's fucking took off two steps and there 's eight of us fucking dived on top of him , what the fucking , he 's struggling , get off you cunt so we pinned him down and at first we was just going to de-bag him in front of the women , we 've taken his boots off and his trousers and that and shave his bollocks , yeah the whole fucking yeah , it was like an audience , all that they sort of gathered up the chairs and the tables fuck have his bollocks shaved .
28 Although I have Well I 've come through two wars and I remember the relief of Mathaking but I 'd sooner that I 've was born when I was .
29 However they confirm that farmers who had claimed for more quota than they had ewes would be given ‘ around ’ two months after the statutory instrument had passed through Parliament to secure their extra rights to ewe premium and to notify the authorities of the transfer .
30 ‘ People can hardly be blamed for this misconception when one considers how often the media , particularly the tabloid press , come out with it .
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