Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We are now routinely using LS-PCR for sex determination and are exploring its application to other situations such as the diagnosis of infectious agents where it is useful to simultaneously amplify both specific and arbitrarily primed DNA fragments either for the purposes of generating a control or for extending the amount of information gained from the amplification .
2 In general , Britain 's laws do not lay down limits to the noise that a factory makes outside its walls , although in some cases local councils have permitted factory developments only on the proviso that they do not exceed specific sound levels .
3 He has developed circuit boards specifically for the basses , and we can tailor the components to incorporate almost any type of sound the user might want . ’
4 Many previous studies have sought risk factors retrospectively in the context of trials designed primarily to detect a difference between antiulcer treatments .
5 You 've got telephone points all over the house .
6 Got ta be careful when I 'm cooking , I shall have to have the window open me I 've got smoke alarms all over the place darling which is good in a flat .
7 its not , you ca n't , the thing is you ca n't defend them without how you die , you ca n't train people how to avo to die , you can only train them how to avoid it , so it does n't really matter if you get fired or not , but they show you the drills and you have to do them to the best of your ability the blank rounds are only there to the conditions , now this is why they 've got these laser got laser sights all over the body , helmet and torso and the actual weapons got a laser on top and you get , if you get near one of these things you go dead and your out , and you can actually simulate
8 Bring newly bought house plants home on the floor of the car and not in the boot which can be much colder .
9 Middle-class feminists , particularly members of the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship , of which Eleanor Rathbone was the President , strongly supported family allowances largely on the grounds that it would undermine the concept of the family wage and thereby ( a rather optimistic thought ) pave the way for equal pay for equal work .
10 The unwillingness to move to some form of more powerful and comprehensive agency in Britain along the lines of the Quality Commission proposed by the Labour Party ( Cook 1990 ) has left quality issues largely in the hands of the professionals .
11 Harappan sites have yielded gold objects mainly in the form of personal trinkets in the context of a metallurgical industry distinct from that of Sumer .
12 He put in a kitchen and he thought there was something funny about these people erm they did n't want to give him money up front for the fabric , you know , the woods and things and he was n't asking the full amount anyway and he said , you know , a things are very tight in business and I do not want to run up any more debts if you will let me have some of cash , some of the cash fo for the wood as soon as the wood 's delivered I 'll come and do the job , it 's not as though your money is going to be tied up in any way and there was a bit of a face pulling and saw this woman drop to , sort of , always hovering around always putting her motty in and erm when th when the job was nearly completed madam steps forward with the cries of that is n't quite right and that is n't quite right and Nev was putting hours doing nit-picking fussing about getting things absolutely perfect got it absolutely perfect but when it came to the final bill they knocked off six hundred because there was the tiniest little scratch on one of the panels !
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