Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] into [art] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I was promptly carried outside into the garden and propped up in a chair .
2 A boxer before the war , Charles Nungesser had been smashed up so badly that by the time of Verdun he had to be lifted bodily into the cockpit and could only use one leg on the rudder controls .
3 It was Christmas Eve and Agnes had wondered over the last few days if she had heard aright on the night she had gone to the closet , because the next morning her father had come blithely into the kitchen and said , ‘ Your mother is having a lie-in this morning ; take her a cup of tea along and a bit of toast .
4 Spears of light from loopholes stabbed outwards into the night and charmed up in sharp black and white disconnected passages of masonry .
5 The soil pipe was connected directly into the drains and was open to the air at the top , well above the eaves of the house .
6 The information is fed directly into a computer and the digitised information printed out as a linear contour map or as a solid representation in light and shade .
7 A dark torrent of human beings , chiefly men , gathered out of all the streets of the vicinity , had dashed unceasingly into the enclosure and covered the long platform with tramping feet .
8 The Club is the first television channel dedicated to management training and business information and its programmes are transmitted directly into the home or business by the BBC .
9 This , as described earlier has helped the Governors recognise with clarity the need to invest in non-contact time for teachers and appropriate training for all staff when change is envisaged , if the proposed development is to be absorbed fully into the ethos and curriculum of the school .
10 Widnes will come out determined to show their fans that last week 's match has been pushed firmly into the background and turn on the kind of display which will carry them into round two in convincing style .
11 As the Zechstein progressed , the thickest part of each successive lens developed further into the basin and the facies belts were displaced in the same direction ( Figs. 3 and 4 ) .
12 The smoke is drawn gently into the hole and then , several minutes later , wisps of it emerge from the top of a chimney twenty yards away .
13 Sam said to me thoughtfully , ‘ If you had n't stopped me , I 'd have rolled up the curtain so as to go into the dock in a boat , and all that stuff under the water would have slithered away into the river and no one would have been any the wiser . ’
14 The laser beam(s) are shone directly into the gas and ions are detected as pulses across the high-voltage electrodes .
15 One of Andrew Buccleuth 's analysts had looked carefully at the company since one of my big customers , a pension fund with vast resources to spend , had bought heavily into the company and so had several of my private clients .
16 Other bolts raced away into the night or else caroomed off vitrodur surfaces .
17 The few tracks that led down Steep Ridgery were worn deep into the chalk and clay .
18 The banks of computer machines stretched away into the distance and there were only a few dim lights glowing .
19 By building the picture up slowly in this way , the patient is not suddenly confronted with demands for details before he has settled comfortably into the personality and environment of the person he once was .
20 When pressed deep into the heap and withdrawn , the paddles spread out to disturb , mix , and aerate the decomposing materials .
21 My roots and my family 's have gone deeply into the fields and woods which the General must have owned in the 18th Century . ’
22 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
23 Made from plastic or metal , the nozzles are inserted straight into the bag or , to save emptying the piping bag unnecessarily , attached on to a screw adaptor .
24 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
25 I am ushered reverently into a cabin and pick up the quaint hand set , which has an additional round earpiece for clamping over the spare ear , so that I see myself reflected in the glass like a radio operator or a session singer .
26 Angalo and Gurder had nestled deep into the rubbish and were gloomily eating the remains of a cold , greasy chip .
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