Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That way everyone born after that particular time would have their sins forgiven so long as they believed in Jesus .
2 Russian diplomats in west-European capitals until the end of the seventeenth century expected to be maintained by the rulers to whom they were accredited , and often complained vociferously when they were treated less generously than they had expected .
3 Journalists do not mind being reminded so long as they do not think you are pressing them to write something they can not be sure will be published .
4 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
5 If these twin policies are to have any effect in reducing geographical inequalities , they need to be pursued more vigorously than they have been in the past .
6 With the October 1987 stockmarket crash and , now , a British recession , these revenues have vanished as capriciously as they arrived .
7 Alternatively , the prices could be adjusted somehow so that they met total costs .
8 Seeing that the independents would be slowly strangled so long as they relied exclusively upon the British circuits , he sought to establish connections to Hollywood .
9 Those eggs that did survive would have done so only because they contained , as hang-overs from the species ' earlier aquatic way of life , genes pertinent to a more aqueous existence , including perhaps the genes for nuptial pads .
10 And it was done through a trust then , and it was done so quietly that they had n't time to object .
11 Even if several mouse embryos are pushed together so that they fuse and this large mass transferred back into a mother a normal mouse will still develop .
12 It can be seen that comparisons between the sub-groups are made much easier if they have been sampled in this way ; there is no problem of having to cope with a preponderance of one group and a dearth of another if stratification has taken place beforehand .
13 They should have done much better as they dominated for long spells , but failed miserably in the art of scoring .
14 The restrictions of office life might have formed a permanent barrier to any expression of their feelings for each other , but their relationship had grown appreciably closer when they had both stayed for part of one summer at the home of a friend , Margaret Behrens , in Mentone — although even here Valerie Fletcher still called him " Mr Eliot " .
15 But they also dislike those who were born into the same station in life , or further down , and who have n't risen as far as they have .
16 The Elector Counts could not have done otherwise even if they had wanted ; the people demanded it , and were not to be denied .
17 On the train journey back south they were cheered once again as they passed through every station , and this time Charlie felt they were more worthy of the hatted ladies ' respect .
18 Yes so lots of games for United to play at the moment with the postponements , a lot of mid-week games , a lot of games up here at the Manor , but erm as so often happens with United , after a good performance or a little a good run , they never quite do it at home do they , they never quite kill sides off and they draw in games that they 've played very well as they have done today .
19 If people are to be punished because they deserve it , it is natural to say that they should also be punished as severely as they deserve — that they should get their just deserts .
20 This suggests that the feeling of difficulty may be strongest with people whose incomes are stretched so tightly that they have to use credit for some needed purchases which they could not afford otherwise .
21 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
22 However , it seems to me that there is something a little perverse in leaving me your notes on the making of the Big Glass when you must have known perfectly well that they contained material I would be certain to find offensive .
23 what 's interesting is that those rivalries are not focused as strongly as they used around the very big clubs , and we 're talking less here about what 's gon na happen at Manchester United and Chelsea and perhaps more about the difficulties of Wolves and and Stoke .
24 They had n't walked very far when they came to a tiny dirt track off the road .
25 Small side valleys , or tributary valleys , were cut less deeply and they remain as hanging valleys above the main U-shaped troughs .
26 Ensure that your fingernails and toenails are clean and are cut short so that they do n't pose a danger to the opponent .
27 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
28 They were gone as suddenly as they had come .
29 Lithuanians have been hit hard economically since they regained independence and his cautious approach to economic reform will have won him much support .
30 And there at Stamford , the beautiful town that Celia Fiennes and Defoe had admired so much remained almost exactly as they had seen it : but fossilised , moribund .
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