Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] the world in " in BNC.

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1 Vast amounts of capital and capacity were installed all over the world in expectation of continuing rising demand and no technological change .
2 Elected in 1978 , it is hardly surprising that John Paul should see his task as the re-establishment of order and confidence on pretty traditional lines , though his charismatic personality shown forth throughout the world in an unending series of exciting international tours for a time almost concealed what was going on .
3 Species superficially resembling Terebratula maxima may be found all over the world in rocks going back at least to the Jurassic period .
4 As we have said , much is known today about the world in which Jesus lived , the Palestine of two thousand years ago .
5 All fossils found anywhere in the world in rocks of this age can be placed in one or other of those three main groups we identified on the reef .
6 Story-tellers have revitalised the tradition of verbal gossip to the point where a juicy item that happened late one night in Annabel 's for instance , can have been chattered right around the world in a matter of 24 hours without it ever going into the newspapers .
7 He had become a major in the military at twenty four and achieved much in the world in prosperity and position , but it had been an uphill climb .
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