Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I sent it to the B B C , I sent it to Duncan but I also sent it to the the Lady a shorter version to the Lady their competition and I said their competition was gon na be on the eighteenth in their issue they would give the names of the of the winners , but I had looked in the Lady yesterday in Smiths and there was none of nothing about it , but I do n't think I 've won anyway because it said you 'd be notified by post so .
2 I 've come home before you wanted me to , have n't I ?
3 He had come here as she guessed he would .
4 And I thought she might have come today cos she said she 'd bring up the money but she has n't , not yet .
5 No need to tell them about Charlie and getting married or the unholy row with Mama or the hell that was let loose when she told them she 'd had her medical for the WRNS and if anyone tried to stop her going …
6 To hasten this process , Bakewell rented out his bulls so that their performance was proven elsewhere before he used them in his own herd .
7 He had turned so that he faced her , his body propped on that deformed arm of his , the sleeve of his anorak empty , the metal forearm and hand stuffed incongruously into his pack .
8 ‘ Appealing was then done only when you thought it was out , ’ said Kerr .
9 Although the Panopticon was never built exactly as he designed it ( a modified version was constructed at Millbank on the Thames and opened , with extremely poor results , in 1917 ) , imprisonment rapidly became the pre-eminent method of punishment .
10 You 've done more than you thought you 'd ever get away with and so in a sense it 's all gain from here , in fact it 's been all gain for some time and so you ca n't complain and you do n't intend to if fate deserts you now .
11 had to have one for a short while , she was quite young and I , we 'd only just moved here and I took her to the vet the used to be in Sandhurst , they said it was a bee sting , they put purple stuff on it
12 It had been granted grudgingly and she knew she was on thin ice as far as her superiors were concerned .
13 Erm it 's certainly grown faster than we anticipated it growing and we are not able to er we 're not able to carry out what we like to do with Neighbourhood Watch .
14 It was on the tip of Jehan 's tongue to suggest that Alexei was allowing himself to be used only because it suited him ; but it was clear that discussing the subject was making Jehana unhappy , and so he said nothing , sitting quietly beside her until suddenly she got up and went into the house .
15 The doors had opened wide as he reached them .
16 Chapman 's accurate assessment of Male 's qualities was shown too when he switched him from wing-half to full-back .
17 On evening walks down Loreto , a lane of high stone walls , trying to decide on a restaurant , I would stop and run my hands over the ashlars , marvelling at the purity of each one as I have marvelled at the completeness of a sculpture by Brancusi ; each of them so tightly locked together that I found it impossible to fit a fingernail between them .
18 Ana called gaily as she heard him .
19 The two girls had stayed there and he knew it would hold nothing of interest for him .
20 Her mind drifted back to that occasion while Pascoe was talking and she was recalled sharply when she realized he had put a question .
21 Well I should imagine my would be insulted now when I gave him all those things !
22 Felipe had definitely stopped being amused and Ana had appeared merely because she considered it polite .
23 Yeah called me in two days so they gave me today and tomorrow off as well , so it 's sort of gone longer than I expected you know ?
24 Many garrisons had surrendered quickly because they knew they could rely on Saladin to keep his word to spare their lives .
25 The warmth that Alain had shown her from time to time had quite gone now and she knew he would continue to be an enemy .
26 And could it only be two days since she had realised fully that she loved him ?
27 ‘ All her friends were knocked sideways when she rang them and told them she had got spliced .
28 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
29 He said , it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police told her when you come back we 'll have all this typed out , your statement but we 'll need you to sign so tell the coach driver to stay at , stop at the police station for you to sign it and I , I said to her , how , how did you manage to stop that boy ?
30 They were rather taken aback when they realised they would be learning about the way the planning system operates !
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