Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [conj] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The words used will be interpreted according to the so-called " golden rule " : they will be given their ordinary grammatical and literal meaning unless that produces absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy , when the literal meaning can be modified so as to avoid that absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy .
2 This is the raison d'être of the Communities ' official publication Directory of Community Legislation in Force , which is re-edited annually and lists all Community legislation in force at the date of publication along with indications of all amendments to it .
3 Having obtained the poles of , the relevant physical transfer function is deduced by rejecting poles in the positive half of the s-plane and a network is synthesised so as to generate that transfer function .
4 After that , Mabel got carried away and bought some china cups — on sale at bargain prices , because they had lost their matching saucers — and Florrie bought a cobweb brush with a special extending cane handle , for getting up into those awkward comers of the ceiling .
5 Most pregnant mothers are told to relax and put their feet up at some point every day — and many of them had done so while watching these television programmes .
6 The first issue before us , as it was before Thorpe J. , was whether Parliament had , by section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , conferred on a minor over the age of 16 years an absolute right to refuse medical treatment , in which case the limitation of the court 's inherent jurisdiction exemplified by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 would have operated so as to preclude any intervention by the court .
7 If remnants of the white middle class remain in them , they are generally tracked separately and have little contact with their poorer peers .
8 But she had risen early and found that staying put with nothing to do was growing more and more irksome .
9 But this sound is not of this world for other sounds are heard distinctly and cause this sound to die , though it returns with the silence .
10 Using the Churchill amendment as a model , the words ‘ exposed to view ’ could be deleted and replaced so as to limit such exclusion to ‘ any part of that matter which is neither visible nor accessible to persons under the age of 18 , or which , if so accessible , is not kept in a wrapping which , while intact , prevents that matter from being seen ’ .
11 Heads , deputies and curriculum leaders shared rather than led each school 's preparations .
12 Here a transfer price of £50 has been set so as to give each division some of the profit .
13 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) ( Lord Mackay of Clashfern L.C. dissenting ) that , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , the rule excluding reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to statutory construction should be relaxed so as to permit such reference where ( a ) legislation was ambiguous or obscure or led to absurdity , ( b ) the material relied upon consisted of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as was necessary to understand such statements and their effect and ( c ) the statements relied upon were clear ( post , pp. 1039C , G , 1040B , D–E , 1042C–D , H — 1043A , 1056A–C , 1061E–F , 1063F–G ) .
14 When you saw what a disaster you had caused , you could of started again and taken some time , oh sorry I forgot that 's not godlike , you probably did n't want to know or is it that you enjoy what you made , a sort of entertainment , better than Home and Away , watching wars and diseases and things .
15 The county council has taken those decisions and we think they ought to be debated vigorously and following that discussion , the panel will come to its conclusion .
16 This cost can be direct , for example in the form of additional accounting staff salaries , or it can be indirect , where other activities are neglected so as to put more effort into the final accounts .
17 You should get married now and get that baby started .
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