Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] she [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Emily felt hurt and betrayed by a close friend who had borrowed a considerable sum of money towards down-payment on a house and then , when Emily eventually enquired about repayment , angrily claimed that she thought the money had been a gift .
2 It was reported that she disturbed the prowler when she arrived back unexpectedly at her family 's Melbourne home .
3 Her hands dropped and she surveyed the company , who , without exception , showed concern not condemnation .
4 Miss Stephanie Farrimond , prosecuting , said the woman was attacked after she left the Savoy nightclub , Clacton , on August 1 last year .
5 Only Raimundo 's lurchers responded when she combed the burrs out of their coats and fed them bits of meat .
6 The woman was attacked as she left the Yarm Road branch of Barclay 's Bank at 11am , yesterday .
7 The 20 year old student was attacked as she used the women 's toilets near the Martyr 's Memorial in the centre of Oxford .
8 But Annie 's plans for a restful break were shattered when she discovered the holiday hideaway has a ghost .
9 SHERYL Garratt says her heart dropped when she saw the ages of the jury .
10 Suddenly she dropped his hand and slid her arms about his waist , knowing she 'd won when she felt the thunder of his heart against her cheek as she burrowed her face against his chest .
11 If she was feeling totally devastated as she re-entered the hotel she had left last Sunday , though , then only she was going to know it .
12 Someone here once commented that she gives the impression she always seems to know best .
13 It is now accepted that she destroyed the correspondence herself .
14 Held , allowing the appeal , that , where a creditor knew that security was being taken for the benefit of a debtor from a surety who was likely to be influenced by and to have some degree of reliance on the debtor , the creditor should seek to ensure that unfair advantage was not taken of the surety ; that , if the creditor failed to do so and the surety 's consent to the transaction was procured by the debtor 's undue influence or material misrepresentation or the surety lacked an adequate understanding of the nature and effect of the transaction , the security would be unenforceable ; that the bank knew that the defendants were husband and wife and that the wife was being asked to provide security for the husband 's business and was likely to rely on his judgment , and they should have ensured that she understood the nature and effect of the document which she was asked to sign ; and that , since the bank had failed to do so and had left it to the husband to explain the transaction , so that as a result of the husband 's misrepresentation the wife entered into the charge on the misunderstanding that her liability was limited to £60,000 , they could not enforce the charge against the wife save to the extent of £60,000 ( post , pp. 620C–G , 622F — 623C , D–F , 635G — 636F ) .
15 Over her supine body Andrew and Horatia 's eyes met and she took the initiative , knowing she had to get the better of the marquis straight away .
16 If the nest is disturbed and she decides the family should flee , the youngsters behave in an extremely disciplined way .
17 I do n't know actually , she has n't really said that she wants it she 's talked about it , but she has n't said whether she wants the job or not .
18 She would have spat if she had the spit to spare in her dry carcass .
19 Getting the car right is far more important than any girlfriend at this moment , ’ Kate answered , her brow already furrowed as she studied the print-outs of the car 's performance .
20 Sara had smiled when she read the letter .
21 Even the dogs would be hushed as she told the story of the highwayman who came riding , riding by , or the shipwrecked sailor lost in a terrible storm , or the faithful lady who died by the gun to warn her lover that he was riding into a Roundhead trap .
22 Maybelle , face ashen , was transfixed as she watched the Tunstalls leave .
23 Mary Olpin from Stroud had just retired when she contracted the disease .
24 Robyn held it out at arm 's length , glanced at it and then cursed as she saw the blood that dripped from her fingers on to the black plastic .
25 He loved the way her eyes lit when she heard the kind of music she liked well played .
26 Her feet still hurt and she felt the tingle of cramp in her right arm where Jane 's head rested heavily .
27 However , she was then arrested after she called the family again .
28 Her blonde head dipped as she traced the path to get to the Colombian city .
29 The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality .
30 She was n't aware of how her voice softened when she said the word ‘ Mother ’ , although she did know that the precepts of morality and etiquette that she remembered her mother spelling out to her were the ones she kept most assiduously .
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