Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] it [is] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
2 The existing arrangements between the Foundation established by Baron Thyssen in Barcelona and the town of Barcelona will also be fully respected and it is hoped that the relationship between the two Foundations will be developed to their mutual advantage .
3 the long-standing problem with the Mercury cables under the ballast seem to be resolved and it is understood that these are being moved now and the route could be clear within days .
4 Because mathematical skills are perceived as being easy to define and to recognise , and because such skills are perceived to be relevant , schools may be attacked if it is believed that they are not teaching such skills effectively .
5 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
6 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
7 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
8 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
9 Particular care is needed where reports are prepared and it is believed that a person other than the client will have access to the report and may seek to rely upon it ( eg a long form report prepared for a vendor prior to sale ) .
10 There has been 12 letters of objection to the final stretch to Ballyduggan Mill lodged and it is expected that a meeting between all the parties involved will take place to see if there is some way of reconciling the objections .
11 An order under section 2 may also not be made if it is shown that the request infringes the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom or is otherwise prejudicial to the United Kingdom ; on these matters a certificate of the Secretary of State is conclusive .
12 Although it is recognised that performance review must be tailored to local circumstances , generalisations can be made and it is intended that a good practice guide be drawn up based on experience to date .
13 19 , is made and it is suggested that the plaintiff can not utilise this exception because the measure sought is not ‘ indistinctly applicable . ’
14 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
15 Where a writ of summons or an equivalent document had to be transmitted abroad for the purpose of service , under the provisions of the present Convention , and the defendant has not appeared , judgment shall not be given until it is established that
16 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
17 Straightforward leave applications are often decided without an oral hearing ; but even when there is a hearing in order to clarify issues , leave proceedings are meant to be very brief : a recent practice statement requires special notice to be given if it is anticipated that the leave application will last for more than 30 minutes .
18 The International M & A Network should be used where it is believed that the opportunity has international attractions .
19 The Employment Appeal Tribunal accepted his argument , albeit reluctantly , saying that , in the experience of the members deciding the case , in practice a redundancy ‘ is accepted as having been shown where it is demonstrated that the actual job which the claimant was carrying out had ceased to exist ’ .
20 The indication that the package will be issued as a product serves a useful function for Quality Assurance , as more stringent quality checks can be performed if it is known that the package is intended for issue .
21 The indication that the package will be issued as a product serves a useful function for Quality Assurance , as more stringent quality checks can be performed if it is known that the package is intended for issue .
22 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before .
23 Two toddler-type swings are requested as it is felt that more often than not two small children are taken to the playing field accompanied either by one or two adults and the provision of two swings would prevent disputes .
24 The full measure of that remark may be gauged when it is recalled that he was a senior member of the University Senate and a Fellow of Peterhouse , Cambridge .
25 This has now been officially recognised and it is expected that extra student places will be provided to make up the deficiency .
26 The names of the people are arbitrary labels , but the point of the sentence can not be grasped unless it is realized that the reason for the questioning was to find out what had happened from someone who had seen it .
27 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
28 Henry Fairlie wrote : ‘ The exercise of power in Britain ( more specifically , in England ) can not be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially . ’
29 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
30 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
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