Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] be [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 First , that the possibility was considered but was rejected as a matter of litigation strategy .
2 GRAHAM TAYLOR has revealed that being depicted as a turnip has deeply hurt him and his family and has created hate mail .
3 Increasingly in Britain statutory services are seen as being used as the last resort in the care of older people ; the care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family and the informal sector .
4 However , he does not become a member unless he elects to apply to be registered and is registered as a member .
5 When the patient walks on a conventional rigid replacement the stress of the load is mainly borne by the bone at the tip of the implant.The top of the thighbone is n't exercised and is weakened as a result .
6 This magnificent object was found by a peat-digger in dismantled condition , the embossed plates being stacked in the bottom , a sign that it was not intended to be recovered but was deposited as an offering .
7 The new Council was established hours after a state of emergency had been declared and was described as the country 's " supreme military and political organ " [ see p. 36449 ] .
8 However , Maxine informed me that her mother had always described how she had screamed when being bathed as a tiny baby , so she doubted whether we would be able to find a specific incident which could have caused the onset of the phobia .
9 The EDC had been suggested and was designed as a means of preventing West German military parity .
10 A REPORT by the Law Commission on computer misuse , published this week , angered those who believe that hacking for fun should not be outlawed but was treated as a triumph by lobbyists for anti-hacking laws .
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