Example sentences of "[vb pp] [art] [noun] by the time " in BNC.

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1 This is probably a good idea , but it means that you may never know if the food you avoided was indeed the guilty party , because the child is likely to have outgrown the sensitivity by the time the food is eaten again .
2 Dare one hope that the Murrey Report will have alleviated the situation by the time these words are read ?
3 The judge found that the police had been engaged in a trick or deceit , had not acted as agents provocateurs or incited crime , had provided no market which would not have been available elsewhere , and had had grounds to suspect that each appellant had committed an offence by the time when the first sale by him was transacted , but that he had not been cautioned .
4 The officers had grounds to suspect each appellant of having committed an offence by the time the first of the sales in which he was involved was transacted .
5 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
6 It still had n't reached a verdict by the time it was recalled at 5 p.m .
7 Breaking with his father 's strong Quaker commitments , Crowley had become an Anglican by the time of his marriage in March 1682 to Mary , daughter of Charles Owen , a Londoner from a Shropshire gentry family .
8 They first showed that the inhibitor had no effect on the rats ' ability to swim in general , nor , if the animals had already learned the maze by the time it was injected , did it prevent them from swimming it correctly .
9 Many of the populace had fled the town by the time when , on one hot Summer 's day , Ben and Charley purchased some cheap fruit in Devonport Market , unaware that the town crier had already warned off buying it .
10 She discussed the problem with Tom but he suggested she should bide her time , adding , ‘ The navvies will have finished the road by the time Anna 's wedding comes around .
11 She had always left the flat by the time Claudia came home , and she knew her sister was with Roman , and the dull despair that lived with her permanently would deepen a little more as she tidied the theatre programmes or the menu from an exclusive restaurant .
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