Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a [n mass] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have a comprehensive health education policy developed as a staff through consultation with relevant agencies .
2 Thirdly , I hope to indicate ways in which spiritual direction might be developed as a means of nurture within the church .
3 The leopard has been listed as a species in danger of extinction since CITES was concluded in Washington 10 years ago , which is why you do not , or at least should not , see leopard skin coats and hats in London 's expensive fur shops .
4 The channel tunnel was never intended as a means of communication , but as a storage facility for radioactive waste from Iraq .
5 In the USA and Canada the action for breach of statutory duty is regarded as a species of negligence called statutory negligence .
6 In this case that certainly was not so ; the ordinary means of access to the house was from the front of the house and to my mind it is very doubtful whether this yard could be regarded as a means of access to the house at all … in my view the section can not be extended beyond what was held in Brown 's case so as to include a yard of this kind .
7 Regarding Massawa as an essential channel for aid to northern Ethiopia , Western government representatives at the UN on April 24 called for a ceasefire around the port , which had come under a series of government bombing attacks [ ibid . ] .
8 Thesaurus terms are grouped under a series of category headings which correspond to the main subfields within the area covered by the thesaurus .
9 The rocks have been tectonised in a series of north-east trending shear zones as described by Munro ( 1986 ) .
10 It was , in fact , a much beamier vessel than the police ship , the hull fining up sharply towards bow and stern so that both fore and aft her deep , strong wedge-shape would cause the ice to squeeze her upwards in the event of her being caught in a series of pressure ridges .
11 It was let to a series of tenant farmers for over two centuries , until the Tremaynes returned in 1914 .
12 The British establishment has become rather touchy of late about arms dealers , embarrassed by a series of press revelations about shady deals being done in London .
13 The wartime routine was enlivened by a series of afternoon musical concerts for secondary school pupils at the Davenport Theatre ; by potato-picking at harvest time ; by Christmas work at the General Post Office ; by firewatching duties with the ARP , both at School and at Stockport High School ( the latter venue being very popular , a girls ' school and not to be confused with its short-lived 19th century boys ' predecessor ) ; and by the various fund-raising " War Weeks " : " War Weapons Week " in 1941 raised £5,729 ; " School Warships " in 1942 £5,900 ; " Wings for Victory " in 1943 £10,571 ; " Salute the Soldier " in 1944 £10,785 ; and " Thanksgiving Week " in 1945 raised £14,100 , and also won the boys an extra half-holiday .
14 This politics matters and has been addressed by a series of locality studies , notably that of Dickens et al.
15 Banks can create money because their deposits are accepted as a means of payment , as noted above .
16 In practice a set of objectives like these would be written for a series of teaching sessions for a specific student or group and may be varied to suit their experience and needs .
17 From the perspective of service users and carers , the care programme approach , and in particular its assessment of needs at an aggregate level , can be seen as a means towards participation in mental health services ( Hogman , 1992 ) .
18 I feel it is wholly wrong that abortion could be seen as a means of contraception because it not only wastes the money of the N.H.S. but I think that abortions should only be considered in certain cases .
19 Dry heat : This process is rarely applied as a means of disinfection as dry heat is less effective than wet heat .
20 Endill was taken to the main corridor and strapped into a pair of lead boots .
21 It is built on a series of island castles linked by a web of silver bridges .
22 The programme is built around a series of day cruises , building up to some long and ambitious trips exploring the islands in Wayfarer dinghies , so every morning starts with a briefing .
23 Deliberately buried either as ritual offerings to accompany the burial of the dead , as gifts to the gods , or else to keep objects safe , finds can also be buried as a means of disposal .
24 Language was to be used as a means for learning , not merely as a way of demonstrating what had been learnt .
25 The Hull delegate to the National Conference of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children , in Nottingham in October , was surprised to learn that China is less than half as densely populated as the UK , despite the forcible abortion and sterilisation carried out on women in China and used as a means of genocide in Chinese-occupied Tibet .
26 Ever since the Middle Ages , bankers ' promises-to-pay , issued first as instruments of credit , have turned into money by being used as a means of exchange in their own right .
27 In almost all cases this venom is used as a means of defence , and most people are stung after handling or stepping on a fish .
28 Indeed the adjustable peg system was operated in such a way that the exchange rate was rarely used as a means of adjustment , and import restrictions were not allowed under the Bretton Woods agreement .
29 It can be used as a means of identity . ’
30 Until last year the accounting systems were largely used as a means of record , not for planning .
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