Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] be the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock is widely claimed to be the first comet discovered by an orbiting observatory — the Infrared Astronomical Satellite , IRAS .
2 Los Altos , California-based Full Source Software Inc has begun shipping UniShred , a $150 suite of media erasure applications that irrevocably delete files and securely obliterate data in files , making any kind of retrieval impossible : it 's claimed to be the first Unix package to conform to the strictest government and commercial standards , directly replacing Unix 's rm utility .
3 The mini is a long way from what 's considered to be the first jukebox ; the Edison Phonograph .
4 His Crystallising Public Opinion ( 1923 ) is considered to be the first book dealing exclusively with public relations .
5 However , his presence at the Treasury keeps the Thatcherite torch alive : he was once tipped to be the next leader but two ; now he could the next leader but one .
6 In what was reported to be the first visit by an Irish Prime Minister to Northern Ireland for 25 years , Charles Haughey , the Taoiseach , visited Belfast on April 11 .
7 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
8 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
9 Sadly , this ceremony was destined to be the last visit to School by Sir Geoffry Christie-Miller , who died suddenly a fortnight later whilst on a cruise to the West Indies .
10 It was built around the shrine of Saint Alban , a Roman centurion who is said to be the first person in Britain to be executed for the Christian faith .
11 This is said to be the first house built in the village .
12 It was said to be the first house since Roman times to have central heating : over three miles of piping were used but there was no chimney in the house itself .
13 The agreement is also seen as a landmark in that it is said to be the first time that Apple has licensed Macintosh technology under such an OEM agreement , terms of which were not disclosed .
14 Classes in ordinary schools are increasingly composed of pupils of different ethnic origin , cultural and religious persuasion , pupils who may have physical or sensory impairments , learning difficulties or social and emotional problems , since the neighbourhood school rather than the special school is seen to be the first choice for children 's education .
15 MALCOLM RIFKIND , Defence Secretary , is accused of being the third minister to sign the public immunity certificate .
16 The centre , at Kirby College , Middlesbrough , is thought to be the first unit in the country to receive the British Standards Institute BS5750 Part One registration , the recognised stamp of quality for industry and business .
17 The case is thought to be the first test of the obligation under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to provide new land of " equal advantage " where public open space is lost through a compulsory purchase .
18 It 's been funded by people from the town and is thought to be the first project of its kind .
19 The moves to stem wildcat stoppages , condemned by unions and the Labour Party and the independent Industrial Society — are thought to be the first time ministers have sought to legislate against the individual .
20 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
21 This was thought to be the first time for nearly 70 years that police had fired on a white crowd in South Africa .
22 It 's thought to be the first time the species has been bred in captivity .
23 The honour marked the 40th anniversary of the war 's end and it is thought to be the last medal minted under the old Soviet administration .
24 It 's got to be the last fall of the season ! ’
25 It is probably a conflation of the Bladud legend with that of Simon Magus who appears in the canonical Acts of the Apostles and the apocryphal Acts of Peter and who is credited with being the first teacher of the Gnostic heresy .
26 Karajan 's devout acceptance of what there is proved to be the Fifth Symphony 's best bet , given the untold care and effort that has gone into the shaping of the minutest detail of phrasing and , indeed , colouristic effect .
27 It was intended to be the first part of a lengthy tramway to Sutton and beyond .
28 The project will therefore seek to identify the main implications of the trend towards the Regulatory State and is intended to be the first step towards a major research programme investigating the potentials and problems of regulation in practice across the whole spectrum of what we used to describe as the Welfare State .
29 He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six .
30 Yes , that 's the way it is at San L — even if the partner you 've split with is the next king .
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